Classmates - a modern social network,which allows you to always stay in touch. Millions of people register and communicate in it daily. Virtual communication has greatly spread recently, because if people live in different cities, this will be an excellent way to maintain friendly relations. But besides just communication, as in life, you can congratulate your friends and classmates and give them a variety of gifts.

How to congratulate a friend in classmates

How to congratulate for free in "Classmates"? How can I congratulate a postcard in Odnoklassniki? These and other similar questions arise for new or not quite experienced users of a modern social network. Let's try to figure out how to make such a pleasant and interesting trifle.

Not so long ago in the social network "Classmates"there was a small additional service called "Classmates Plus". It is a kind of "helper" for the browser Internet Explorer, which allows all users of this social network to receive from their friend, or send him a greeting card. This is quite true on the eve of the holidays.

When this application is installed, thean additional panel appears. Now, when you go to any page (your own or someone else's) of this social network, you will see who congratulated this user and whom he congratulated. This applies only to those congratulations that were sent to the public. If the user sent a "private card", only the person to whom it was intended, well, and the sender himself, can see it. Both options are free of charge.

Very interesting is the fact thatusers of the service "Odnoklassnik Plus" can choose a congratulation from different eras (from the sixties and ending with modern times) and add words to it from your heart. Also, this add-on informs about the upcoming birthdays of your friends, which allows you to congratulate them with one click.

Such a remarkable additional service was developed by the independent studio i-LOGIK. She has no connection with the social network Odnoklassniki.

Authors of a small service wish and hope thaton the eve of the holidays this program will gain popularity due to the fact that a large part of people support virtual communication, thanks to social networks.

Also, at the request of users, are possible andpaid services. You can send a card for money. Let's say one postcard costs 1 "ok". You can buy a choice of 2, 4 or 6 "ok". 2 "ok" cost 30 rubles. This money will be withdrawn from your balance, and in "Odnoklassniki" you can send cards to two people.

Now you know how to congratulate in "Classmates". You always have the opportunity to make communication more colorful.

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