Many people want to learn how to increase the pagein "Classmates". There are several options for dealing with this issue. 1. Hold the CTRL and + buttons simultaneously on the keyboard, or hold down CTRL and start moving the mouse wheel up. This method extends not only to "Classmates", but also to other Internet pages. If you go to the settings on "Classmates", you can find the "Scale" tab. With this tab you can configure the social network page according to your requirements. In any browser below you can see the interest to 100, this is the scale of the page, you can increase it on any page. Also people are interested in how to reduce the page in "Classmates". Now you know how to increase the page in "Classmates", so with a decrease in the page there will be no problems. All of the above options are also suitable for reduction. Just reduce the page with the CTRL key, hold not +, but - and if you use the wheel, you'll have to turn the other way. As for the other two ways, then it's easy to understand. In the settings of "Classmates" everything is pretty clearly written, but in the browser it's just necessary to select a smaller page scale with the help of interest.

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