To prepare a baby for school, it is necessaryteach you to write and read in advance. But more often the first is given to children more difficultly than the second. Moreover, there are a lot of words in the Russian language that are not conditioned by clear rules, and the writing of which is so hard to remember. The ability to write, while respecting literacy and beautiful handwriting, is not an easy task for any child. But if you do not miss the right moment and start to engage in time, then the problems in the future will disappear by themselves. Effective ways how to teach a child to write beautifully and competently, and also how to interest him in this occupation, we will discuss in our article.

How to teach a child to write: first steps

  1. To deal with the child, preparing him forletter, you should start with 3 years. However, the age from 5 to 6 years is optimal for teaching calligraphic writing. If you decide to teach your child to write long before school, then start with a massage of fingertips, modeling of plasticine or dough, as well as drawing all kinds of karakul - all this will help the child not to experience fatigue and negative emotions in the future when writing. Also listed classes are the best for development of small motor skills of the baby.
  2. One of the most important steps that will helpto teach a child to write is to teach the correct holding of a writing subject. The fact is that a child who is accustomed to holding a pen incorrectly will be very difficult to retrain. Remember that in developing the rules for using the writing subject, the preservation of vision and the development of certain arm muscles that will help in the future withstand any strain on writing are taken into account. Therefore, as soon as possible, show your baby how to hold the pen properly. It should lie on the upper phalanx of the middle finger and be fixed with a large and index finger. In this case, the thumb should be above the index finger. Make sure the handle tip is shoulder-oriented.
  3. To teach a child to write letters and words,create a special notebook or album in which you will train together. Start with the letters and then go on to the words familiar to the child: dad, mom, kitty, dog, etc. To learn how to teach a child to write correctly, it is enough to try out a proven method in practice. To do this, write up to 5 words in the notebook, then pronounce them in syllables, and show the child what letters each word consists of. After a while, ask the child to show where the word "forest", "mother" or "dad" is written. After mastering these words, you can safely add new words.
  4. The method of unusual dictation will help you to teachthe child correctly write, develop his thinking and memorize words. To do this, you need to prepare pictures with images of objects whose names it will record.
  5. On how to teach a child to write beautifully, they knownot all parents. After all, often we immediately teach our children to draw capital letters of the Russian alphabet with all sorts of curls and scribbles. But this method is wrong! Learning a letter should start with writing printed letters! So you can gradually prepare the child's fingers for a beautiful and correct letter.
  6. Acquire special formulations with letters in the formdashed points. These prescriptions are a real wand, which will help teach the child to write letters and train his fingers so that eventually he can write beautifully without the dotted lines. In addition, this activity is liked by many children who are happy to observe how the points turn into beautiful letters.

How to teach a child to write correctly

An important task for parents and the futurefirst-grader is the problem of literate writing of words and sentences. At the moment there are many methods for memorizing vocabulary words. But in order to achieve a stable and positive result, make the lessons systematic and interesting. It is recommended to do it every day for not more than 20 minutes. Remember preferably 7 to 10 words per week.

Methods for classes

  • To learn the spelling of a word, useselection of root words. Make phrases and sentences with this word. Then explain the meaning of the word and ask the child to do a spelling job: put an accent, divide the word into syllables and highlight with a bright color a difficult letter.
  • Try to compose with the child a story from a group of vocabulary words.
  • Use an effective way of writing words with your eyes closed. To do this, the child must close his eyes and present the word written in the book, and then spell it.
  • There are useful exercises that will helpteach the child to write and remember words correctly. Here are some of them: analysis of words by composition using prefixes (left, came, went, went); formation of different parts of speech (oak - oak, teach - teacher, table - dining room); formation of the singular or plural (falcon - falcons, houses - home).
  • The method of associations is one of the best forlearning to write words correctly. But when using this method, do not impose your own associations on the child. The essence of this method is to link a difficult word with a vivid image. For this, it is necessary to write down the word and opposite it - the image that calls this word in the child. Do not forget to highlight the letters in a bright color, the writing of which creates difficulties.

Following the suggestions above, you are sure toachieve a good result. Remember, in order to teach a child to write correctly, one should show maximum patience and attention. Explain how it is better to write a letter, praise, if the child is good at it, and in no case do not scold him.

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