Throughout school life, fromfirst class, the student has to solve a lot of mathematical (arithmetic) problems. Later, beginning with the 6th-7th grade, they are replaced by problems in algebra and geometry. The same principles of setting tasks are the basis for exercises in physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, etc. Therefore, it is important to teach the child to solve problems from the earliest school age.

How to teach to solve problems of the younger schoolboy?

In order to teach the child to solve mathematical problems, you need to follow a certain plan, according to the points:

Motivate the child

It is necessary to explain to the student what goalspersecuted during the study of this subject. Unfortunately, many modern children do not have motivation and perceive learning as "hard labor." It is necessary to explain to the child that mathematics is found everywhere. In fact, it is much easier to motivate a junior high school student than a high school or high school student. After all, explaining that arithmetic is needed to calculate the area of ​​a room or the speed of a train is easier than what square equations or cosines with cosines are for.

Think of an approach to problem solving

The first thing to do is several times.slowly and carefully re-read the conditions of the problem, try to imagine what is at stake. After that, on paper (in the notebook), you will need to schematically designate these conditions, determine the question, execute the decision and write the answer (all this is done gradually). If the child can not understand the problem or find the simplest solution to it, one should not be angry with him and show his discontent, be nervous. It is necessary to explain the conditions as much as possible, and perhaps to give an example from life.

Tips for parents: how to help solve problems

Solving different problems in primary school almostalways follows the principle of "finding the unknown by the two known ones", this must be remembered. If the child has poorly developed abstract thinking, you need to try to solve the problem with the help of improvised tools (the same counting sticks) or a drawing. How to teach a child an account, you will learn from our article - How to teach a child to count.

What seems simple and affordable for an adultperson, may be incomprehensible to a schoolboy, especially a first-grader. To teach the child to solve problems, as high-school students know how to do, one must try to think like him. The simplest tasks, for example: "Kolya had three apples, and Masha had two. How many apples did the children have together? "You can draw by depicting the three apples of Koli and the two apples of Masha, and then counting them all together.

In order to solve arithmetic problems,It is necessary to teach the child the conditions so that they have less unnecessary information, having deleted all unnecessary and unimportant. When the child understands the principle of action, and having solved several dozens of similar tasks, he will be able to find the answer to the rest by a whiff.

Do not think that by doing one exercise withchild, you can teach him to solve all types of tasks. First of all, it is the teacher's task to teach them how to solve them, and the parent should help with the homework.

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