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How to teach a child to walk?

What a joy to see the first steps of your baby! This joyous event will remain in the memory of the parents for life. Someone had a goat in 9 months (and maybe even earlier!), Someone at 1.5. What can parents do, whose baby is just creeping? How to teach a child to walk?

First of all, as a rule, the kid himself studiesstand on legs, leaning and holding on to something. Most often it's a crib or .. your hands! By the way, he can start standing even before crawling, and if he stood up alone, it's just wonderful. Hence, his locomotor apparatus is ready to withstand such a load. Do not interfere with the child. This process causes the kids a lot of emotions, opens new horizons, so they will puff again and again, but rise.

When a child stands confidently on his legs, hebegins to try to move along the support, whether it's a crib, a wall or a bedside table. This is where you can stimulate the baby to move. For example, hang the toy over the other end of the bed, if it is in the crib. If the bedside table or table, then put an object attractive to the child on the surface of this bedside table or table so that the baby does not reach, and was forced to pass a little.

You can also do the following: stand behind the back of the child, take it by both hands (or support under the underarms) and lightly pull forward. This provokes him a step. The same can be done, being, on the contrary, in front of his face. The second option is even better that the child has an additional incentive to move forward - you. Also, many kids like to walk, pushing something before them, for example, a chair.

When the crumb begins to move more confidently, you cansupport it only for one hand. The main thing is to alternate them. And let him hold your finger, and not you hold his hand. So he learns coordination movements and balance.

In fact, with the support of the kids quickly enoughbegin to move, but to make an independent step is more difficult. Some themselves quickly master the technique of walking on their legs. Most often this happens if with the child from birth, for example, doing gymnastics, baby yoga, doing massage, taught swimming and diving. Then his musculoskeletal system ripens faster for independent movement, whether it's crawling or walking. If your little one is not rushing to take his first steps, please be patient and help your baby than you can.

How to teach a child to walk independently

At first the kid should feel what it is -stand without support. If he does not make independent attempts, then you give him such an opportunity. As this is a new sensation, it is likely that the baby will like it very much, and he will try to repeat it himself.

Well, now you can do the first independentSteps. If before the toy stood so that it could be reached along the support, then it's time to shift it a little further. For example, a child rests on a chair, and the toy stands on another chair, located so that he has to make a step.

Thus, at the initial stage of the adventuresa close arrangement of the interior items is useful. Then he will be able to move from one place to another, doing thus only 1-2 steps. Of course, it's better to cover the sharp corners. Gradually, becoming more confident in himself, the child will begin to take more and more steps.

Pay attention to the kid on the going. By themselves, showing how you do it, say every action. Maybe he will not understand your words, but much more interesting. Sweets, onomatopoeia ("top-top"), songs will only help make the process fascinating for your crumbs. Useful meetings will be with the kids who already know how to walk.

Often call the child to him when he is standing. Sure, he is always glad to meet you, but you can try to strengthen it. Then he will go even more readily to you. For example, you can squat on the ground near a child, open your hands in anticipation of embraces with your child at a meeting, and, smiling, call him. Always keep his words when he goes. And when the baby comes to you, grab, hug, kiss, spin around together, give it a little, praise it, tickle it, anything! The main thing is that the meeting should be very positive, and the baby should wait and strive for it with impatience.

Still very much helps in the game of catch-up. Usually it causes indescribable delight in children. It is especially good when both parents are included: the child runs from father to mother or vice versa. You can also most "run away" from the baby.

Of course, the exercises described above may be somewhat incomprehensible, so do not forget that in finding the answer to the question of how to teach a child to walk, the video can be of invaluable help.

When the baby is at home, then let him learn to walk barefoot. It will be much more comfortable, because the surface feels better, and not so slippery as in socks. In addition, it is an excellent hardening and prevention of flat feet.

If the child walks well at home, but does not want to go on the street, then, most likely, the problem is in the shoes. It should be comfortable!

It would be desirable to note, that it is not necessary to insure the kidfrom falls. If you do not interfere, the children quickly enough to learn how to fall right, and not backward. Usually they either sit on the ass, or lean on their hands, get up on all fours, or raise their heads, falling on their bellies. If the fall is not serious (feel it), then let the child rise himself. Thus, he will learn to get up from different positions.

And do not forget to make your home safe for your baby and remove everything valuable on the upper shelves.

So if you want your child to stand firmly on his feet, give him freedom!

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