As a rule, girls think that in anyincluding acquaintance, the initiative must show a strong gender. As a result, handsome, who was very close, remains only a dream. However, you can destroy stereotypes and take everything in your hands, forgetting about constraint. In this article, we'll talk about how to get acquainted with guys, so as not to scare them away and not seem accessible and intrusive.

Where to meet guys: short course

"How do I get to the library?"

The easiest way to get acquainted withwho liked the young man - to approach him on the street. You can just go with the question of where this or that building, street, shop is. After explaining it, you can ask him to escort you to his destination, since you are not well-versed in this area and are afraid of getting lost. Surely he will not refuse you, because he will understand that you liked him and your request is just a trick for dating. If the guy will refer to the employment, then this is not your gentleman; release it with ease, henceforth do not be afraid of failures, and on your street there will be a holiday.

Help in the supermarket

It's a good idea to meet a guy insupermarket, but it needs to be done in the evening, when conscious young people make purchases after work or school. Dial a full basket of products and go around the guy with the face of the martyr. If the young man is a gentleman, he will definitely offer to bring your basket to the cashier. Here the main thing is not to get lost, you need to answer with consent and give the basket to the guy. If you like it, then he will do everything for you and offer to take you home and deliver heavy packages.

Ladies invite gentlemen

It's enough just to meet a guy atdisco, because everyone there is in a relaxed state. For example, nothing shameful will not be, if you invite a young man you like on a slow dance. In the course of it you can find out what his name is, what he likes. Perhaps you will exchange and phone numbers.

If you do not want to invite yourselfdance a guy, then do your best to make it happen. Meet him with your eyes, smile, walk beside him several times as if by accident. The guy will take this as a signal to action and will necessarily take the first step. You will only have to accept the invitation of the young man and try to make an indelible impression on him.

Familiarity with the abstracts

If you like the guy who is studying with you atschool or university, but you have not been introduced to each other yet, you can find out which sports sections or additional classes he attends and also enroll in them. In a few days you can contact him for help in this or that matter - to write notes or teach you to give the ball. Surely a young man will not refuse you, moreover, he will feel like a real knight. As a result, you will have a friendship that may soon develop into a romantic relationship.

Perhaps you will find useful tips from our article How to get acquainted with men.

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