Often unpredictable happen in our lifedevelopments. Sometimes they are good, sometimes bad. For example, many girls met with a common problem - a quarrel or a break with a loved one.

Often after the break up of the relationship, the girl has feelings for her beloved, so when the guy quits, many ladies are puzzled over how to get him back and how to win his favor again.

Return of the Beloved

The reasons for the return of the former boyfriend may bevery different, and it's good when a real pure love for this person moves the girl. But there are times when you need to return a guy just to take revenge on him or to hurt him too. It is very important in this situation to analyze your real motives and motivations. Perhaps the main reason is the fear of remaining alone?

Of course, if it's good to try,a guy can be, but will this happen because of great love, or are you motivated by selfish motives? If, after all, the motive is the second, then it is worthwhile to think about whether it is necessary to spend all your strength and precious life in order to satisfy your wrong desires. Maybe we should leave everything and concentrate on developing new relations?

Effective Steps

For those girls who want to return theirloved one, there are several ways. First of all, it is important to pacify your feelings and completely calm down, and also stop pestering the guy who left. For calming you can use many methods, one of them is very simple - share your problem with a close friend.

The first step is a complete absence

You should not maintain any communication with a guy, let him feel like you are not, do not see him and even communicate over the phone or via the Internet.

The second step is the reason for the gap

Analyze the possible reason why heleft you. When you clearly see the problem, then you can solve it. For example, if the main reason lies in you, then you need to clearly and honestly look at yourself and admit that you need to change. Each of us can have a variety of unpleasant qualities that repel others, so be humble and set a goal to work on yourself.

The third step is an unexpected appearance

You have to decide for themselves, after what time againappear in the life of a guy. This can be a week, a month or even a few days. It is important here not to show your feelings openly, you can call or write an SMS. But neither in words, nor in tone of voice, it should not be noticeable what is in your heart. It is important to make an appointment and not insist.

If he refuses to meet, then it is necessary to appear accidentally in the place where he very often happens. But behave at ease.

If your lover agrees to meet, thenduring the meeting it is important to behave naturally, but at the same time so that he can see the changes that have taken place in you and evaluate them. Of course, in each case you need to act on the circumstances. You can bring a thing a guy gave under certain circumstances, and start talking about it, and then smoothly move on to discussing your relationship. The main thing - to talk about the good, the bad should not even think (unless of course your goal - to return a loved one). You can tell him that a relationship is a complicated thing, and you need to work on them, that you just do that quarrels are normal, and so on. Do not forget to thank him for coming.

If the guy will let you know that he does not want tocontinue the relationship, then do not panic. In this case, you can switch the conversation to another topic. After this meeting, you need to analyze everything and either choose a different tactic, or start learning to live without it.

About how else you can return a guy, read in the articles:

  • How to return the guy she threw herself
  • What to do if the guy is cold
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