Harmonious development of the child in many waysis determined by the first months of his life. In this article we will talk about how many sleep and how many babies eat at the age of the month, what motor skills they have, how facial expressions work.

Nutrition and sleep

These two points are the most important thing that a newborn baby needs. The baby is restored after childbirth, gaining strength.

At a month's age of 24 hours a day, the baby sleeps about 17-19 hours. At the same time for night sleep it takes about 8-9 hours, and the remaining hours fall to daytime sleep.

Feeding for the smallest children alsoit takes a lot. Depending on how much your baby actively eats, what is his weight, he can eat just at 3 o'clock, and every 1.5 hours.

In this case, the feeding schedule of the monthly babies is usuallythey establish themselves, mothers only have to adjust to them. Make your own adjustments if the baby does not eat or overeat, because both the first and the second are fraught with negative consequences.

Sight and hearing

The visual system in babies a month onlybegins to develop. The children see everything very blurry. Often there can be nystagmus - twitching of eyeballs. This should not be feared, since the phenomenon is quite typical for the not yet formed view. Most children have blue eyes, which is due to the small amount of melanin in the iris of the eye. "Native" eye color will manifest in the child closer to 6 months.

As for hearing, he is also onstages of formation. The kid reacts to extraneous noises by dying, it still does not turn the head to the source of sound, since it does not know how to correctly determine it.

The olfactory receptors in crumbs are better developed - withThe very first few weeks the baby can recognize the smell of the mother. Mothers should not use perfume, fragrance-rich cosmetics - a child simply can not recognize her and will cry.

Also worth mentioning about the severity of the psychologicalperception. Insufficient development of sense organs the child compensates by reading at a subconscious level of emotions of surrounding people, first of all, of course, the mother. If she is calm, then the child feels much better. If the mother is nervous, angry, afraid, then the child is experiencing severe discomfort. That is why it is very important to maintain a positive atmosphere in a house where there is a small child.

Very developed and tactile perception, but becauseyou need to monitor the temperature regime, humidity, textures of tissues / things to which the child touches. All these indicators should not be annoying.

Mimicry and speech

The mimicry of a child at 2-3 weeks is a copyingmimicry of the mother, father, other close people, often in contact with the baby. The child carefully studies the face - this is the first and so far the only thing that he sees quite well. Crumb painstakingly repeats the movements behind you - frowns, puts out the tongue, wrinkles the nose and the forehead.

The smile of a child at this age isinvoluntary, reflex character. Her baby can instinctively respond to some pleasant things for him, and can smile and for no reason. Only by the end of the first month and at the beginning of the second the newborn smiles consciously to respond to specific social contacts, the voice and touch of the mother, etc.

As to what the child should be able to domonth in terms of speech, then you can note only the cry and crying (and the first 2-3 weeks - without tears). Only by 5-6 weeks the child begins to publish his first full-fledged sounds. And children, with whom many and often talk, they appear earlier and in greater variety.

Physical activity

After childbirth, the child loses one of the usualits comfort factors - the tightness that was inherent in intrauterine development. Touching only now with the surface on which it lies, the baby experiences stress. Because of this, the child in the first few months (and especially the first 2-3 weeks) often randomly moves the handles and legs, shudders, swaying from side to side.

At such an early age, it makes sense to evaluategeneral physical development of the baby on congenital reflexes. For example, you can put a crumb on your tummy and put your hands under his feet, see how actively he tries to push away from them and move forward. And if you look, for example, on the reflex of an automatic gait, then also watch how well the baby rearranges the legs. And it is very important to assess the uniformity of the movements with both legs, handles, and body. This will indicate a uniform, full development of the baby. Also in one month the baby, lying on the tummy, is already trying to raise and hold the head.

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  • What a child can do in 2 months
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