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How to understand that a man is in love?

It is generally accepted that every woman isinherent to her sixth sense, can always determine whether a man she likes is in love with her. But to rely only on intuition in such a delicate question is still not worth it, because male psychology is fundamentally different from the female one. Men - creatures are secretive, and their actions can not always be explained with the help of female logic.

How can you understand that a man is in love: advice

In order not to entertain futile hopes,it is better to know in advance some of the characteristics common to all members of the stronger sex, which, with a high degree of probability, determine the degree of their love. To help you finally find out whether a particular man is in love with you, we tried to learn as much as possible about all manifestations of love, gathered them together and listed the main signs of male love in order to strengthen the symptoms of "love fever".

We want to warn you in advance that if youdid not find any of the following features in the object of their interest, do not despair at once. A number of efforts should be made and the situation should be rectified. About how it can be done, read in our articles How to fall in love with a man and How to fall in love with a guy.

Ten signs of a man in love with you

  1. If, after seeing you, the man in the companyother people, dramatically changes their behavior - suddenly starts to speak loudly, joke or make laugh, you have the first reason to think that maybe he is not indifferent to you and tries to attract your attention in such a childish way.
  2. With the edge of his eye noticing that the man is intentlyLook at you, lift your head and look into his eyes. If he gets embarrassed and quickly takes a look, there is reason to suspect that he is in love with you.
  3. Noticing once a man in an unusual forhis place, for example, in a pastry shop, where you drink tea and cake every lunchtime, everything can be attributed to a banal confluence of circumstances. But if you start to find it regularly in your favorite café, then in a fitness club or in a swimming pool, where you constantly go to work, you should believe that these events are clearly not accidental, and the person is purposefully looking for meetings with you.
  4. If during a working break, on a corporateparty or being a guest at the first opportunity that appears, the man tries to get close to you and start a conversation, so, it's already, as they say, in the hat.
  5. Another indicator that a man is unevenyou breathe, - his somewhat exaggerated solicitude and attentiveness. A man in love will not miss the opportunity to helpfully push you a chair, help carry a heavy bag or drive home by car.
  6. The next step in testing the love of a manbelongs to the category of lovely female tricks. Nenarokom heard that a man is going to drink beer with friends this evening, ask him to help you after work to bring a bag with products to your beloved mommy or to fix the crane in the kitchen urgently - you can come up with something else of the same kind. If a man for the sake of fulfilling your request refuses to meet in advance, then you are on the right track.
  7. A man in love always wants to know how it is possiblemore about all the dreams, desires and passions of his lady of the heart. Therefore, if yesterday a man half a day asked you about your hobby and found out that you, for example, are very fond of dogs, and today you noticed on his desk "The Atlas of Dogs" and "The Handbook of the Cynologist" - be happy, because this is a true indicator that you are really interesting to him.
  8. Confidence that the man in youreally fell in love, add an acquaintance with his friends. So all men are arranged, that they will never introduce a girl "for one night" into their social circle. If the procedure of acquaintance was carried out by a man according to all the rules, you can be calm - you are for him something much more than just a possible sexual partner.
  9. An even more significant indicator of the man's love will be an invitation to tea to his parents. Such an invitation is a sure sign that the man has the most serious intentions towards you.
  10. More important than acquaintance with parents can only bea direct explanation, during which a man with open text will finally say that he loves you and wants to have with you a long-term serious relationship that in the foreseeable future can develop into a full-fledged family life.

By these signs it can be understood that a manin love. It should be noted that all of the above signs of love are characteristic of adult men, the boys in love behave somewhat differently. About how boyish love manifests itself, it is told in our article How the boys fall in love.

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