A man in a dream is one of the most intriguing dreams for a woman. What does it mean the appearance of a long-time acquaintance or a mysterious stranger in our dreams? Let's understand what a man dreams about.

Below are the interpretations from the dream books of Miller, Tsvetkov, Wanderer and others.

Sonnik Miller

According to the psychologist Miller, the interpretation of sleep, inwhich is a man, is determined by his appearance. To see a handsome man in a dream - to pleasure, and an exceptional handsome man - to popularity and fame, which will bring only positive emotions.

On the contrary, a man with a bad appearance is a symboldisappointments and difficulties. However, if a woman is frightened of the repulsive appearance of a man, she is waiting for the experience because of the person she considers her friend.

Sonnik Tsvetkova

According to the dream book of the esoteric Tsvetkov, the interpretation of sleep depends on who he dreams about. So, if a man dreams of a woman - it's for pleasure, if a man dreams a man - to a new business, beginnings.

French dream book

The French dream book is almost solidary with the dream bookMiller, but he makes a number of clarifications. So, if a man is dressed in white - this is for joy, in black - for sorrow and loss. A low man is a sign that we will be able to overcome difficulties, and a fat man portrays well-being in business. To dream of a hunchbacked man - to deceit and betrayal.

Esoteric dream book

In the esoteric dream book there are clarificationsthe age of the man seen in a dream. So, a young man dreams of a new business, and the elderly - to honors and glory, while if an elderly man is severe - the glory of man will not spoil.

Wanderer's Dreambook

The so-called "Wanderer's dream book" interprets sleepsomewhat differently from the others. An unfamiliar man in the version of this dream book dreams of psychological disagreements with himself, while the nature of disagreements can determine the appearance of a man. So, an elderly man is a symbol of problems with his father.

Read also: What a strange man dreams about.

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