"A word is not a sparrow, it will fly out, you will not catch it," readsold Russian saying. Indeed, the word is very powerful thing, with its help you can give hope, encourage, make a person happy. It's easy to cheer up or make you laugh. But it is also very easy to mortally wound or destroy morally. In this article, we will look in detail at ways to offend a person with words. This is, in fact, the most severe moral injury that can be inflicted on a person spiritually. Words can hurt very painfully.

Easy and at ease

Consider how easy it is to offend a person. Of course, you can tell him many abusive words, use obscene and obscene language in speech. Behave yourself rude and uncultured in relation to a person. This is the surest way to make anyone turn away from you, even the person closest to you, who usually accepts you as you are and suffers all your shortcomings. This way is very simple and does not require you any skills of eloquence.

Beautiful words

There are other options for how to offend a person. In this case, you need to have a special slang and know the mass of turns. At the same time it is necessary to be able to do, let's say, compliments. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that flattery, especially undisguised, has the property of leaving an unpleasant residue in the person's soul. Probably, he even leaves a much stronger trace than if you told him rudeness. After all, passionate, deceitful speech can significantly reduce a person's self-esteem. If, of course, he does not have immunity to it. This is one of the most powerful methods of moral humiliation.

Sharp tongue

Another great way to literally hurtman, without using a mat - is to hone his wit on it. In this case, you do not have to flatter him and sing praises. It is enough only to be able to say such words to him that can humiliate or offend him. To do this, you will need to apply all your eloquence and the ability to speak. You can learn several modern jokes and pods in advance. Learn about the shortcomings of man and make fun of them in the most obvious way.

This article described howways one can insult a person. Now you know how to offend a person without a mat, using their speech skills. But in an effort to show your skills, do not get too carried away, since you can be given a serious rebuff.

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