Do you like one guy and you want to meet with him? Then go ahead! Conquer his heart with simple psychological techniques!

How to win the boy of your dreams

  1. Smile, always be in a good positionspirit, have fun with girlfriends and enjoy life. The most common mistake of girls is that many especially sad, "include beech". They think that this will attract the attention of the guy. No, guys like cheerful, friendly and smiling girls, it is proved !!! Look at your preferences: who you now like, describe it. Is he always gloomy and sad or on the contrary the soul of the company and the smiling confident guy? Of course, not beech, so do you too - smile more often, and smile at him. The boy is not a telepath and will not understand that he has interested you, if you do not show it to him. Courage, no one will help you, except yourself.
  2. Create a confident and independent look. Girls who know their worth, do not hesitate to make jokes about guys and refuse, even more cling boys. Look at the confident and independent classmates, find a company in which you can be the same.
  3. Herd instinct. Despite the previous point, remember that herd instincts have not been canceled. If the boy sees that you like other guys, he will totally pay attention to you. Sometimes guys do not even understand why they all like the same girl in the classroom, they just have such an ideal of beauty in her company because of the herd feeling. If someone needs it, then I need it too: in a strange dish, food always seems tastier. On the one hand you can flirt, laugh and chatter with different boys, holding them on a short leash, allowing you to communicate, but on the other hand, you should not allow them more. Look at your beloved boy at the same time, letting him know: they can not, but you, maybe, will be allowed. You can find a good male friend who will play along with you, provoking the feelings of the boy you need.
  4. Get in his eyes all the time! The factor of geographical proximity is proved by psychologists. Those we see more often, with whom we communicate more, start to like us. Sign in his section, be at the changes next to him, do not hesitate to sit next to him in the canteen, referring to occupied places.
  5. Show that you like him. Even if it's early, and he has not noticed you yet, he will think about you and consider your candidacy. It is proved, we start to like those who like us.
  6. How to win the boy's heart, if you havethe ability to communicate with him? Attentively and always listen to it, everyone likes it. Cling to any words in his speech to clarify something, so you will show interest in what he says. For example, he will say: "Today I was late, because walking a dog, she broke off a leash." Immediately rapturously ask: "Do you have a dog? And what?" And so on. Keep up the conversation.

Good luck in winning the boy's heart! You will succeed, believe in yourself and smile.

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