People who do not have their own children often do not understand,why children scream for any reason. Foreign children can be loved, you can play with them or train them, but without your own, it is impossible to fully understand the nature of the childish nature and the reasons for the cry. However, families with at least one child, in any case, will face all the surprises of children's temper, in particular, with those moments when the child screams, trying to achieve his.

To understand why babies cry and cry,it is possible, having familiarized with clause or article "Why the child cries?". Now it's not just about kids, but about children of all ages, up to the upper grades. As a rule, after graduation, the child's character is almost formed, and a burst of emotions, causing a cry for various reasons, decreases noticeably.

Causes of child screaming

Ever since birth, around the child running around andthey take care of him, not leaving him without attention for a minute. Any whim is satisfied, and this is a big error of the parents. They themselves accustom it to the fact that everything is allowed to him, and then do not understand why the child screams, despite the fact that he has outgrown the infancy period. The subconscious of the child postponed the fact that everything can be achieved by shouting. After all, most often this way a child achieves everything in early childhood, and at the same time, he has an insufficient level of intelligence in order to realize his wrong. It's worth only refusing him something, so the child starts screaming at the parents, spilling out their emotions outward in this way.

It is interesting that children's psychologistsargue about the inexpediency of raising the voice of children. The reason why one can not shout at a child is that one of the properties of the human nature is resistance, including crying. In other words, resisting something that one does not want (and is forced to) or vice versa like (and not given), the child expresses the conflictuality of the situation with a cry.

Little children screaming to achieve everything,that they want. Schoolchildren - when they want something concrete, and teenagers of the senior classes shout because of a misunderstanding between them and their parents. This is justified by their growing up, which parents do not want to perceive, and consider them to be still children. Most often the child screams when he believes that in another way parents will not hear about his desire, or when he sees that they do not want to listen. On how to achieve mutual understanding in communication with a teenager, we recommend reading in the article "How to communicate with a teenager?".

How to deal with screaming?

The easiest way to achieve silence, whenthe child constantly screams - to make concessions to him, as it was done in the infants' period. But, achieving such a method of silence, you can worsen the situation even more, as scenes with a cry will be repeated more and more often. The best way to live in silence is to anticipate your child's desires. In kindergarten age, it is easy to assume that the child will want a certain expensive toy, and in advance prepare a cheaper analogue. The presence of an analogue will completely satisfy any child and make him forget about the toy he wanted. In early school age, the child can promise what he wants, but a little later, when it becomes possible to buy it. This will be enough to avoid screams. By the end of the school, the cries of parents, as a rule, do not bring benefits, because children have almost formed a character and have their own opinion. A child of this age should be approached with a calm conversation that he is not right, and bring the logical reasons for this.

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