How much pain brings a quarrel, and if it happenedwith a beloved girl, the pain, it seems, just tears my heart. It happens that some misunderstanding for a while breaks up your relationship. Therefore, to disappear between you did not expand, you need to figure out how to apologize to the girl.

Find the approach to it

Do not let the situation go by itself. Think about all the ways to find an approach to your beloved. For example, a bouquet of flowers. It seems that this is a banal thing, but all the girls love them very much. Do not regret money and buy a big and chic bouquet. "Forgive, my love, for all the insults ..." - write such words on the card and add it to the bouquet - this is one of the options to ask forgiveness from your girlfriend. If your girlfriend is at work, then send her this bouquet by courier. She will be happy, after all, for it will be a surprise.

You can buy balloons on which to writewords of forgiveness of this content: "Forgive me, my love!", "I beg your pardon for my beloved!", "My swallow, forgive!". Balls can be tied at the front door or run into the air, but in such a way that the girl sees them.

A quarrel sometimes strengthens the relationship betweenin love, she tests them for strength, but the separation between them is transferred painfully from both one and the other side. There are times that the girl's offense is not great, and she just waits for a phone call from you, where you ask for no forgiveness with repentance. But if you have already promised that this will not happen again, then the word should be kept. Otherwise, the girl will not believe you anymore, she will think about you, that you are not a serious person and will not want to have more business with you.

More options

If your loved one is very angry, thenthink how beautiful it is to ask forgiveness from the girl. Maybe she has a sweet tooth? Then for you one more variant approaches. Go to the bakery and order a cake for her. Let it be decorated with flowers from the cream, but in the center there will be an inscription of this content: "Forgive me, dear!" Or "I beg your pardon!". Most likely, your girl will melt the heart, and she will call you to her to try this sweet gift with tea together.

At the moment when you quarreled, probably,the main role is played not by the way, how to ask for forgiveness, but the fact that you must realize yourself that you want this reconciliation, that you simply do not like the world without your beloved. When I want to apologize to my boyfriend, I know for sure that I need it and without it I will be very ill.


Tips on how to ask handsomely for forgiveness,can give you friends. They themselves also often visited such situations, and each of them has his own experience on this issue. Maybe you will not use them, or maybe they will be useful to you. One of them is through the neighbor's balcony to climb into the window to the beloved, holding a rose in his teeth. Just be careful, do not fall!

Buy tickets for a movie or a concert for whichshe had long dreamed of going. Invite the courier, but do not forget to buy flowers for the meeting. If her favorite artist performed at the concert, try to take an autograph for her.

In the end, you can say, whatever method you ask forforgiveness of the girl is not chosen, her forgiveness depends on your and her feelings. If they are sincere, you know that you need each other, then even the quiet "Forgive ..." in your ear will give the expected result. But, if you are guilty and your girl thinks that you do not need her, do not bother ...

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