Forgiveness Sunday is the last day beforeGreat Lent for Orthodox believers, or the 7th Sunday before Easter. In our country, Forgiveness Sunday also coincides with the end of the carnival. The official ecclesiastical name of this day is the Remembrance of Adam's Exile.

What do Orthodox believers say to a forgiven Sunday?

On this day, one must apologize to each other and forgive in order to begin with a good heart the Great 40-Day Fast and with a heart-read heart to meet the Passover.

This day is also called Syrovopust,Since all meat products, cheeses, milk and eggs are excluded from consumption. Orthodox on a forgiven Sunday ask forgiveness for each other, come to the church for confession, to purify their soul from their sins. For each "Forgive me" is accepted to answer "God will forgive and I forgive ... And you forgive me." By this, Orthodox believers point out that all human sins are forgiven by God and the person joins this forgiveness.

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