Sometimes the relationship with the guy comes to a standstill. One moment there is a feeling that they have lost their former passion and no longer bring the joy that was before. There is an idea: To throw the guy? Or try to save a relationship?

Throw and just throw

First, let's talk about whichcases of the guy is definitely worth throwing. Here are some typical examples. If you, while reading this part of the article, see your situation, do not regret anything about throwing such a "man."

Beats - it means love

When in the family, even if not officiallyformalized, it begins to attack, you need to think about whether it is worth living and communicating with this person. Some guys do not even wait for the "official rights" to their girl, set by the registry office, to begin to pound her. Love is evil - it's a fact, but it's far from the reason to forgive beatings. Very often girls hide behind the reason imposed by their faithful, they say, she is to blame for everything, she said something, did it wrong. Believe me, this is far from an excuse to dismiss my hands. You can justify a slap once released in a fit of passion, but you must not forgive constant beatings. Moreover, you absolutely must throw such a person.

Alcoholism or drug addiction

Problems of alcoholism and drug addiction destroyedone family. Therefore, if you have not yet contacted such a grief-husband, then flee from him, where your eyes look. Of course, "their own" is not thrown in trouble, so give a chance to the lover still stands. Let this be the first and last warning, if he does not "tie" with a bad habit, then the question of whether to throw a guy, will disappear by itself. Do not wait, when valuable things start to disappear, when he will lie on your doorstep in a drunken or narcotic frenzy, when you will have to answer for his debts. And this is not the worst thing. After all, if your guy injects drugs through the veins, then it's easy to assume that along with the poison in his blood diseases get to which he can infect you.

In constant expectation

Every girl should be able to wait for her boyfriend. Another question is where to wait. For the sake of justice, it must be said that every person who ever got into jail should have a chance to reform and prove to society that he has incurred his punishment. In addition, the reasons for which the guy was sent to places of deprivation of liberty, there may be many. And not all of them are unforgivable. But, at times, the prison changes the person completely in other party and on freedom it does not stay long. You should not contact a recidivist. Believe me, if in your head sat down the thought: I want to leave the guy, then it's unlikely that something will be able to stop you. And in this case the reason is quite respectful and justified.

Relationships need to be built

Now let's talk about situations that are not critical. Situations in which relationships can still be adjusted - it is not necessary to throw your boyfriend in the following cases.

Life with sluts

If your young man is constantly throwingtheir, yes there is a sin to conceal, and your things, then it's not pleasant in this. Again dirty socks under the couch, unwashed cup is forgotten at the monitor, the documents lie not in the order that you put. However, this is not the reason to leave the guy. It is necessary to conduct an educational conversation, and it will have to be held more than once. Try to teach him a lesson and not "cover up the traces of his crimes," let him learn how to clean up for himself.

The company guy

It is generally accepted that if a person has manyfriends, it paints him from the best side, because with a bad person it is unlikely that so many people would communicate. But when it comes to meetings, then the fun begins. Firstly, not every girl will bear the fact that she is constantly dragged into friendly encounters, while she just wanted to sit in the cinema with her young man. Secondly, the position "my house is always open to friends" is correct, only if its friends also adhere to it and do not abuse your hospitality. However, this is also not a reason to leave your lover. Explain to him that friends are fine, but also you want his attention, and also put a condition that after such house gatherings in the house he removes.

Finance sing romances

Money is not the main thing. True, it's easier said than accepted. When a friend every day there are new jewelry, and the last time you received flowers on March 8 in the year before last, you involuntarily begin to doubt the sincerity of the feelings of your young man. But very vain. Love is expressed not in gifts, but in relation to you. There are many examples where girls can hear the phrase: I left the guy, now I'm sorry. Love can not be bought. If your guy is not stingy, and he simply does not have enough money to present you with expensive gifts, do not drive him away.

If they abandoned you

We do not always throw guys. It also happens that they can leave us. Many may be interested: if the guy threw, how to get revenge? Remember: the best revenge is your happiness. Develop, fall in love, let him, looking at you, regret that he missed such a charm.

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