How many anecdotes about uselessgifts for men, like a deodorant, a tie and socks, and in fact to choose a gift for a guy, and the truth is not so simple, especially if there are already a lot of holidays left behind. In addition, I always want to present something as a gift that is not trivial. Is it possible? It seems that everything possible was already given. Surely, this is a delusion! We present you some ideas on what to present to the original guy.

Variants of interesting gifts

  • If your boyfriend has a car, then gooda gift for him will be a subscription to a car wash, new beautiful and unusual seat covers, a DVR, various decorations for the salon or vinyl stickers on an iron horse. The gift will not only be original, but also practical.
  • Many guys have some disadvantages. For example, they like to throw socks around the apartment. To surprise a guy with a gift, you can buy a basket for socks in the form of a dinosaur that eats socks, or a basket with a sign of radiation. This will amuse the guy, and make the collection of socks easier, because they will accumulate in this basket.
  • Very many guys are fond of computer games. You can give a game, which he had long dreamed of. It does not matter if it's a disk or you just buy an activation key on the Internet.
  • A very original and special gift canbecome a dandy if, of course, the guy was born in the 90s of the last century or earlier. Dandy is one of the first game consoles on the Russian market in the 90s. To the console itself, you still need to buy a set of cartridges with popular games. Find it all on flea markets or on the Internet.
  • Many men in the shower remain children. A great gift for them is a quadroopter (a device for aerial photography or video), a radio-controlled car or helicopter or any other toy equipment.
  • Depending on the hobbies of the guy you can think ofa lot of different gifts. If a guy is fond of active or even extreme sports, the best gift for him will be an action camera with various accessories. You can also purchase a certificate for climbing or horse riding lessons.
  • An original gift for a guy who has never done anything extreme can be a jump from a bungee. The sea of ​​impressions and adrenaline will be provided for a long time.
  • If a guy has a good sense of humor anda bad habit like smoking, then he can give a comic gift, hinting that it is necessary to quit smoking. You can take a pack of cigarettes and paste a reason on each cigarette why it is necessary to quit smoking. The more ridiculous and original the reason, the better. To such a gift you can also report nicotine patches and chewing gum.
  • You can donate anything from clothes, if you know the preferences of the originator of the celebration: for example, a T-shirt or a sweatshirt.
  • The watch on the chain with engraving is an unusual and exclusive gift, which, if not practical, will at least be enjoyable and statusful.

Also, you can always make a surprise withfriends to surprise their soul mate, or to give the guy tickets for a concert of his beloved band, a zoo, a circus or any other entertaining unusual institution. It all depends on your imagination.

In this matter, you can also help our two articles:

  • What to give a guy for 20 years
  • What to give a guy for six months
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