Many of us, especially at a young age,think that there is love, why is it needed, what does it give to a person and what does it take away? There are many sayings of great people on this topic, and almost every ordinary person sooner or later makes up his judgment on this matter. In this article, I would like to give a definition of what love is, from the perspective of different sciences.

What is love - definition in terms of chemistry

As studies show, the assertion thatpeople love with all their heart, is not true. In fact, people love part of the brain. It is in certain parts of the brain that chemical substances are produced that cause a storm of emotions when falling in love.

In the brain of a lover, such substances are synthesizedas 2-phenylethylamine (belonging to the group of amphetamines) and dopamine. In addition to the feeling of euphoria, these substances help to increase the level of adrenaline, a hormone that causes such sensations as palpitation, flush of blood to the face - the symptoms, not just described in romance novels.

In addition, the brain of lovers produces oxytocin, which significantly affects the female orgasm, and nitrogen oxide - it is this substance responsible for the male erection.

Love in terms of biology

For preservation and reproduction of any kindanimals (and a man with some stretch can also be considered one of the species of animals), a certain stimulus is necessary, forcing males and females to mate first, and then take care of the offspring that have appeared. It is such an incentive and is love. Of course, in animals the manifestations of love are much more primitive than in humans, however, the picture is in many respects similar: there is a stage of courtship, a stage of physical love, and a stage of mutual concern of a couple about each other, and about children before they grow up. In some cases, the manifestations of love in animals look quite human - remember the notion of "swan fidelity". There are, however, shocking exceptions - the female of Karakurta eats the male immediately after mating.

Be that as it may, our love from the point of view of biology is necessary only for the reproduction of mankind.

Definition of the word "love" from psychologists

Different schools of psychology are completely differenttreat the concept of love. For example, Sternberg believed that love between a man and a woman can include three components: intimacy (close bond between people), passion (sexual desire) and responsibility (willingness to care for each other). Perfect love is one in which all three components are presented in sufficient measure. In general, a good definition.

The ancient Greeks, by the way, distinguished as many as four typeslove: eros, storge, agape, mania. Eros, as the name implies, is a carnal love. Storge - love-friendship, mutual respect for each other. Agape - selfless, altruistic love. Mania is love-madness, obsession. Who will doubt the wisdom of the ancient Greeks? In life, we can see among our acquaintances examples of relationships that correspond more or less to one of these definitions.

What is love - definition in terms of philosophy

Perhaps we are too focused on lovemen and women? After all, there is also the child's love for the parents, the love of the citizen for the Motherland, the love of the scientist for science ... Let us give the floor to the philosophers, for philosophy is nothing but a love of wisdom. So what is the definition of the word love can be given by philosophy?

From the point of view of philosophy, love is the beginningman and the driving force of mankind. Love is not only an intimate part of human life, it also acts as a fundamental characteristic of human existence.

Aristotle saw in love, above all, the benefitboth for the individual and the family, and for society as a whole. And Plato considered love a special divine power, capable of helping a person overcome his earthly imperfection.

According to some philosophical schools, lovethere is a unity of self-denial and self-affirmation of the individual. Love means that a person must be able to reject himself in order to establish himself in someone or something.

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