Many will make an opening for themselves, someonewill confirm his knowledge. Today we will tell you what civil marriage is, how the concept is defined in its true meaning, and what people mean in everyday communication. You will learn the definition of the concept of "civil marriage", you will understand what errors there are in using this concept. Be literate and use concepts based on their true meaning, this will help to avoid misunderstanding.

Civil marriage: determination

What is a civil marriage? Here is what definition is given in the "Great Soviet Encyclopedia": a civil marriage is a marriage union stately registered in the relevant bodies, in which the church does not participate.

In other words, a civil marriage isregulated solely by public authorities the relationship of the spouses. The accent was made on the absence of church involvement (since 1917 the state has completely taken over the procedure for registering marriages, having separated from the church).

Civil marriage and cohabitation

Probably many were surprised by this definition. What is civil marriage in the understanding of everyday life? Often it is confused with cohabitation.

Cohabitation (the same actual, unregistered marriage) is the joint residence of partners, the relations between which are not registered as a marriage, according to the procedure established by law.

Now you know the difference between definitionscivil marriage and cohabitation. However, at present the concept of "civil marriage" is not used, it is not in the legislation of the Russian Federation, or in the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

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