And if during the first month the childonly eats, sleeps and croaks, then upon the achievement of this date a new, meaningful life begins - the baby begins to smile consciously, to recognize mom and dad by voice. There is a reaction to stroking and speech - most often positive. The baby begins to actively move the legs and handles, unless, of course, it is wrapped in diapers. In the event that parents regularly arrange a child for air procedures, during which they are obligatorily laid out on their tummy, the ability to hold a head for a few seconds appears.

Magic sounds

Of course, the baby even in the womb reacts tosounds, and not only music, but what can a child do in a month? His reaction can not only be felt, but also seen. Turning your head to sound, more active movements, conscious smiles and even conversation (though in your own language) can be observed in response to the sounds of my mother's voice, my favorite lullabies, classical music. Also there is an opportunity to keep attention for several minutes. It is very useful to listen to such composers as Vivaldi and Mozart.

Sleep and regime of the day

At the end of the first month of life,spent in a dream, decreases, giving way to a more active period of wakefulness. Begins to regulate and reveal the regime of the day. You can allocate time for daily massage and exercise - both physical and emotional. You can show pictures - because the vision already has the ability to focus, you can include classical music, which not only calms, but also improves the course of physiological processes. Be sure to talk with the child, sing to him, regardless of the musical abilities of the mother, wear the baby on the handles and rush to him at the first call. All these simple actions calm the nervous system, positively influence the development of creative abilities and the whole organism.

Normal development

In 1 month you must passmedical examination of those doctors, who will appoint a pediatrician. They will examine the baby, determine whether it develops by age. What can a child do? 1 month is not such a long time, and much depends on the environment of upbringing and physical data. Each baby grows on its own schedule, and adverse changes, if any, should be determined only by the doctor. Nevertheless, it is necessary to monitor your child and deal with it. Of course, classes for the age of one month should not exceed two minutes, but attention to the baby should always be, if not mother's, then the other members of the family - the fathers of grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters. You can slowly put a small toy or rattle in a hand with a comfortable grip, give it a try to touch the cloths and objects that have a different surface to the touch - smooth or rough. Such seemingly simple classes will lead to a more rapid emergence of meaningful speech and increase the overall development of the child.

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