Practically in all organizations it is customaryhold corporate parties about different holidays. Such events are very important for employees as they enable them to express themselves not only in the work sphere. Therefore, on the eve of the holidays, there is a serious question: what to wear on corporate? As a rule, not only women, but also men are puzzled by the choice of the right image and appropriate clothing. The main feature of corporate dress is that it should be discreet, but at the same time fashionable and spectacular. Few people, after a corporate party, want to restore the image of a business person. We offer you some valuable tips and advice on what to put on a corporate woman and a man.

Recommendations for women

Dress or suit

Undoubtedly, the modern choice and diversity in theshops allow you to pick up a great pants suit, which effectively emphasizes all the charms of your figure. However, there is nothing more feminine and attractive than a dress. It is on him that he should stop his choice. A regular, classic black dress can be an ideal option for any corporate. To make the image more mysterious or semi-official - use interesting accessories, capes, bolero, scarves and ornaments. In addition, the dress will actually look in any restaurant, cafe, bar and at the reception.


If your corporate is scheduled in the officialplace - be sure to take care of shoes with heels. The ideal option would be shoes or barefoot with a closed toe. You can adjust the height of the heel yourself, but remember that the heels most likely to look at are heels of at least 5 centimeters. Of course, you can give preference to more comfortable shoes, such as ballet shoes. But in this case, you will look less advantageous, since it is the heels that give the female gait a special appeal and femininity.

Choice of accessories

  • Having preferred a dress with open shoulders, take care of the presence of a shawl or a wide scarf. If the weather permits, wear a jacket or bolero.
  • An excellent decoration for any outfit will be a handbag. It is better to give preference to small sizes, so that the phone, powder and napkins literally fit into it. Without other things you can somehow survive a couple of hours.
  • On the corporation it's better to give up a lot of jewelry, especially gold. Otherwise, you risk to look vulgar and fall into disfavor with the leadership.
  • You should know that the long earrings will look stylish. If you add beads, it will overkill. But in themselves, large beautiful earrings, perfectly complement the image.
  • Bracelets should be worn on well-groomed hands, as these accessories will strongly attract attention to themselves. If you do not have time to refresh the peeling manicure - give up jewelry on your hands.

When deciding what to wear to a corporate, you should follow a few basic rules:

  • Do not look more spectacular than the boss's wife;
  • It is worth abandoning the everyday costume, otherwise it will be perceived as disrespect;
  • you need to take care of the hair, manicure and make-up;
  • be sure to choose elegant unobtrusive perfume;
  • do not forget about your behavior.

Recommendations for men

  • To begin with, it is worth noting that the standarda set of jeans and T-shirts will simply be out of place. It is worth giving preference to the costume. Not for every man, these clothes are comfortable, so a more informal set of jacket with trousers is allowed. If you really do not want to wear a tie, then replace it with a handkerchief. It will look very stylish.
  • If you are waiting for a standard official banquet -choose your black suit with a white shirt. It is very important to match the status of the event, otherwise you will have to wait for a long time to rise.
  • Pay attention to the little things. Do not wear blue socks under brown shoes. It will look sloppy.
  • If you have the opportunity - sew a suit to order. In addition, he will ideally sit on the figure, this option will be the most convenient and comfortable to wear.
  • Having time, go shopping and measure different styles of costumes. This will give you the opportunity to determine your model.
  • Do not forget the main accessory - an amazing smile. No strict boss can stand before her.
  • Unusual ties and cuff links will help to create an image of individuality. The choice in the stores is not particularly large, but it's worth trying.
  • Shoes are an important part of the image. They should be polished to shine.
  • Use the perfume. Suitable are not caustic, but interesting smells.

Now you know what to put on a corporate man, to look irresistible in the eyes of colleagues and his superiors. It is possible that after this corporate you are waiting for the long-awaited increase.

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