Looking at the TV screen or on the pageglossy magazines, many women fall into a state of deep anguish. After all, what they see every day in the mirror, does not coincide with the ideal picture, which looks at us literally from everywhere. Many ladies understand that externally ideal models and actresses are not at all ideal in reality. Their only advantage over us, ordinary women, is really perfectly hidden drawbacks. The most important thing is the ability to strengthen ones own dignity and make the shortcomings less visible. But how to determine the type of figure correctly? To do this you will only need a large mirror, common sense and this article!

How to determine the shape type by parameters

Despite the widespread opinion, the typefigures do not determine at all the waist, chest and hips. Not the same 90-60-90. The type of figure is determined by the width of the shoulders and the pelvis, the degree of expression of the waist and the distribution of fat, which is characteristic of a particular lady.

Triangle (or A). The problem zone of such women is the lower part of the body. In another way, this type is also called a pear. The main features: the waist is thin, the breast is small, the shoulders are narrow, the hips are wide. Such women should follow the diet and train especially carefully the area of ​​the legs and thighs. In clothes these ladies will be helped by volumes in the upper part (cross strips, frills, voluminous sleeves) and a visual reduction of the bottom of the costume (dark colors, straight silhouettes).

Hourglass (or X). In this case, the width of the shoulders and the pelvis is approximately the same. This figure is the most harmonious, but also needs proper nutrition. Women "X" are shown running and walking. With a wardrobe, problems should not arise. These ladies just have to emphasize their dignity belts, straight and strict lines.

The triangle is inverted (or T). The features of such figures include: athletic body build, narrow thighs and very broad shoulders, slightly sloping waist. A clear advantage of ladies of "T" type are long and slender legs, so their wardrobe should be based on models that emphasize this part of the body (tight jeans and trousers, preferably light tones, vertical stripes and dark tone of the upper part).

Rectangle (or H). In this case, the ratio of "shoulders - waist - hips" is approximately the same. A sufficiently courageous silhouette will hide asymmetry in clothes; Combination of different tissues both in type and color; no sleeve or sleeve short.

Apple (or O). Features: identical in volume chest and waist. This is what gives the figure the shape of the letter "O". Such women need to monitor nutrition, train the waist and chest area. In clothes, assistants will be an overstated waist, a flared bottom, an overstated waist of trousers and skirts.

Whatever figure you got from nature, remember that you are beautiful, attractive and unique in its kind! You just need to show competently and present your appearance!

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