The main difference between working etiquette and secularThe fact that in this set of rules the first place is the preservation of the priority of subordination. In spite of sex and age, the subordinate is below the head of the service hierarchy. A huge number of business deals and negotiations did not take place, because entrepreneurs did not adhere to the rules of business etiquette. Ignorance of these rules does not absolve from responsibility for their career and can lead to loss of credibility, business and money. Therefore, it is useful for many to know how to behave at work.

Behavior with colleagues and clients

  • Respect for the interlocutor. You should never close the door in front of the client's nose, which appealed to you at an inopportune time - at the end of the working day or before dinner. This will have a bad effect on your reputation. It is not worth talking loudly on the phone in the office, where besides you other colleagues work. Ability to respect someone else's opinion is an important moment of how to behave at work, communicating with other people.
  • Ability to listen to an opponent. This is a rather rare gift, the ability to hear another person and understand him. In business, this gift brings incredible dividends. Each client, partner or business associate must mention in a conversation what he needs and what he needs help with. The main thing is to be able to hear and make a counter offer. In business circles, this skill is important, because it helps to save your time and others' time.
  • Relations in the team. The atmosphere in the team usually depends on what kind of relationship has developed between all colleagues. The basis of a normal team is equal, benevolent and respectful relations. If, on the contrary, one of the colleagues admits a mistake or a mistake, the colleagues should not ridicule it, but only correctly point out some shortcomings in the work, and it is best to offer their help. The team spirit is a guarantee of how to behave properly at work.
  • Mutual relations of the boss and subordinates. According to the rules of working etiquette, the manager should treat exactly all employees, that is, equally, while observing a certain distance. It is best that the directions and observations be made individually, not with the whole team. This is the main requirement for the boss in the matter of how to behave at work with subordinates. Also give directions or oral assignments need clearly, specifically, understandable vocabulary. It is important to receive feedback from subordinates and conduct an analysis of the effectiveness of their requirements.


  • Punctuality is respect for someone else's time andcompetent possession of their own. It is precisely the failure to meet deadlines and delays that are considered the greatest appearance of nonprofessionalism in the business world. Both partners and employers will treat such a person as frivolous, with whom one can not build long-term business relationships.
  • Compliance with the rules of the dress code is very important. After all, the first impression of a man is formed in appearance. He can determine the status and even the position in society. In most large companies, when familiarizing themselves with corporate norms, they always mention the dress code. If your company or organization does not adhere to strict standards for the appearance of staff, then it is better to adhere to generally accepted norms.
  • A competent speech is the key to success in business. It is structured, correct business speech without superfluous deviations serves as a pledge of success. The use of parasitic words or introductory words complicates the perception of information, and the interlocutor may misunderstand what will affect the conduct of the case. If you learn informatively and competently to talk, you can also learn how to write business letters. Business correspondence has a special character, it is important not to confuse it with everyday communication. It is also important not to go to the extreme, you do not need to write official letters with an unnecessarily "dry" language of textbooks. It is these letters that will cause boredom and a desire to close them as soon as possible or throw them into the basket. Therefore, observe the "golden mean".

Now you know how to behave onwork properly, to enjoy the respect of colleagues and superiors. This is a very important issue, since most of his life a person spends precisely in the workplace in a society of colleagues.

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