Everyone knows that in the steam room can not do withoutgood broom. They can be made from a variety of types of trees, but you always need to choose the right time and know when you need to harvest brooms. So they will not lose their healing properties, which they have a huge amount. It is also important to properly steam the broom, so that it has its healing effect on the body. This process is described in our article. How to steam a broom.

Rules for the preparation of brooms for a bath

  1. Cut branches from young trees growing in wet shaded areas.
  2. Make the length of the rods not less than 40 cm and not more than 60 cm.
  3. Procure the process only in dry weather.
  4. Dry in a dark well-ventilated place.
  5. Keep the finished brooms in a dry dark place.

When to prepare brooms for a bath?

Birch broom

Birch brooms are harvested from birch branchescurly. They have the necessary flexibility and a large number of leaves. Soft leaves are pleasant to the body and contain a lot of useful substances. In Russia, birch brooms have long been used to treat various ailments, in particular, respiratory problems. Then the branches on the broom were cut at the end of May or the beginning of July, as soon as the young leaves gained strength. Modern connoisseurs believe that the best time to harvest is mid-July. By this time the tree gets rid of the "earrings", and its branches become suitable for knitting brooms.

Broom oak

Oak brooms have wide leaves and are beautifulsteam is injected. In addition, they are rightly called the ideal tool for bath massage. Tannins in their leaves perfectly affect the skin, make it supple and relieve the diseases. Especially appreciate the oak brooms of the fair sex for their anti-cellulite effect on the skin. The time for harvesting brooms from oak is August.

Broom eucalyptus

This type of broom is popular in the Caucasus. It has a rich aroma, which has an inhalation effect in the steam room. Procurement of these bath attributes takes place in August, but to use them in their pure form is not very convenient, since the branches are too thin. Therefore, it is recommended to add them to brooms from other tree species. Just a couple of eucalyptus twigs in an oak or birch broom will give a lot of positive emotions and a delicious aroma in the steam room.

Broom lime

The lime itself is miraculousa remedy for many diseases. It treats the headache, has antipyretic effect, has a sweatshop effect. Also linden there are no equal at treatment of catarrhal diseases.

The uniqueness of the linden tree and its high healingproperties can be explained by the fact that it often lays the internal premises of a bath, making from this tree and shelves, beds and other bath accessories. With such a love for the linden, you can not use its branches to make bath brooms. The period when this is best done, falls on the spring - the time of flowering linden.

Broom from the nettle

It may seem that you bathe with a broom from the nettlesimply impossible because of the strong glow of this plant. But properly harvested and steamed nettle broom will bring only benefits and pleasant sensations. Collect nettles on brooms in May-June - during the flowering period or immediately before it. Dry in a dry, ventilated place, sheltering from direct sunlight.

Steam the broom in a special way. First it is placed in hot water for a couple of minutes, then dipped in a cold, then repeat the process again. After such treatment, a broom from nettles will not burn the body, but leave only a pleasant tingling on it.

This is not all the brooms that can be found in the paired. There are also brooms of coniferous, cherry, juniper, maple, etc.

Tips and tricks for using a broom can be found in the article How to bathe in a broom.

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