It happens that in the evening, whine and aching teeth. Causes of pain can be completely different and establish them - the case of an experienced dentist. And if you now do not have the opportunity to go to his appointment, then you will be useful for some tips that will help to ease the pain quickly. When toothache is very effective rinsing with various infusions and decoctions and even just warm water, but it is very important to know what to rinse the tooth, so that the procedure has a maximally favorable effect.

  • Decoction of sage. Buy the usual herb sage in a pharmacy and cook a strong broth (20 g of sage for 200 ml of water). Rinse the tooth with a warm broth, and also attach a cotton wool soaked in this broth to the aching tooth.
  • Infusion of plantain is also very effective against toothache.
  • You can also try an infusion of a sycamore for rinsing a sick tooth.
  • Water with soda and iodine disinfects the oral cavity, reduces pain and inflammation.

How to properly rinse the tooth

  • The main effect of rinsing is heatinggums and tooth. That's why you can not rinse out the purulent abscess - this can only aggravate the situation, causing a sharp increase in abscess. The infusion or the rinse must be warm, but not roast-hot.
  • The second important point is the frequencyrinses. It is not so important as rinsing a sick tooth, how important it is to do it as often as possible and immediately after eating. It is best if you rinse the mouth 10 times or more per day.
  • When rinsing the tooth, it is important to bring the infusion directly to the focus of pain, and not to the throat, as do many people.
  • Rinsing can be perfectly combined with otheraffairs. Do not deny yourself a pleasant pastime - you can take a glass with a warm tincture and basin, sit comfortably in front of the TV and rinse the tooth until the broth cools.

If the wisdom tooth hurts

Many people over the years suffer fromperiodic pain with teething wisdom. Doctors recommend removing these pains with antibiotics, but not all of them trust and do not always want to stuff the body with extra pills. Consider what will help to relieve the pain caused by the appearance of wisdom teeth.

And here rushes come to your aid. There are a lot of different recipes of folk medicine for preparing broths for rinsing. But not all of them will be equally useful in case of teething wisdom. Let's figure out how to rinse the wisdom tooth in order to get the most out of it and not to harm your body. It is worth noting that the following recipes are approved by many dentists.

  • Soda solution in a concentration of 1 tsp. per 100 grams of water. This solution reduces the swelling of the gums, thereby significantly reducing pain, and also softens the gum, facilitating the eruption of the tooth. A little warm solution should simply be kept for 30-40 seconds in the mouth, and after spitting it - this is called the oral bath. Do not use too hot or cold solution, it only hurts. You need to make such a bath often.
  • Chamomile broth has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, reduces swelling of the gums. Make the tub from the decoction of room temperature.
  • Decoction of sage acts like a chamomile. The order of your actions is the same.
  • Tincture of calendula. It is especially effective in erupting wisdom teeth. Make oral baths from the tincture of room temperature after each meal.
  • The tincture of propolis is similar in its effect to calendula.

In this article, we examined what you can dorinse your teeth to reduce the pain in them. It is important to note that if you have a regular or long toothache, do not delay a visit to a dentist who will determine the cause of the pain and prescribe adequate treatment. Do not forget that even the slightest pain can lead to an inflammatory process in the oral cavity, which is fraught with many sad consequences for all body systems. Be healthy!

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