In Russian there is the expression "wake up incold perspiration, "which means that a nightmare had come to a man that made him wake up in the middle of the night. In such a situation, people do often have perspiration and palpitations. However, not only nightmares are the reason for sweating at night in a dream. In this article, we will try to list the main causes of increased sweating at night.

Conditions unfavorable to sleep

Undoubtedly, the most obvious reason whyyou sweat at night when you sleep - it's stuffy in the room. If you do not regularly air your room before going to bed, you can not only increase sweating, but also develop a headache. Therefore, before going to bed, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room for at least 10-15 minutes.

Another point worth noting is thatchoice of bed linen and blankets. The skin in a dream needs to breathe. Only in this way your body can fully recover. Therefore, when choosing bedding, give preference to natural fabrics and materials. In addition, you can not sleep under the same blanket in winter and in summer. On hot days a normal, healthy person will be enough to use as a blanket a thin veil or just one blanket.

Especially careful to be with smallchildren. While they themselves are not able to care for themselves, you should choose for them the most optimal clothes for sleep. Many parents who have a question, why the child sweats at night, simply too "wrap up" the kids at night on the principle of "couples do not break bones." This approach is wrong.

However, there are also a number of diseases and other conditions in which increased sweating is not related to external conditions.


Many women in adulthood begins to tormentthe question of why you sweat more at night than in the daytime. For the menopause period, this is normal. And such sharp temperature jumps can begin both immediately before the onset of menopause, and a few years before it, and their duration can reach several years.


Very often, the temperature, heat and highsweating accompany the development of any infections in the human body. This explains why people who are sick with flu, sore throat, scarlet fever, tuberculosis and other infectious diseases sweat during the night. To be afraid of the raised diaphoresis in this case it is not necessary - it will be gone right after elimination of an original cause. As it is correct, increased sweating at night accompanies a sharp drop in body temperature, which in itself is a good sign. It is not necessary to struggle with this - just change the patient into dry clothes and prevent drafts.


Some people with cancer also have increased sweating in their sleep. Especially often this condition accompanies the development of lymphoma.

Hormonal disorders

With some hormonal disorders canthere are such unpleasant violations as a sharp decrease or increase in weight, abnormal growth of the hairline, the appearance of stretch marks on the body, itching and sweating in a dream. If you have at least one of these symptoms, you need to seek medical advice and blood tests for hormone levels.

Neuroses and mental disorders

Problems with the nervous system are the mainthe reason why the head sweats at night. If you often experience stress, suffer from neuroses or mental disorders, take a sedative before going to bed. However, be cautious: many people who took antidepressants received sweating even more during their admission.

There are lots of other reasons why people sweat at nightmen and women: diabetes, gout, cardiovascular diseases, alcohol and substance abuse, obesity, respiratory distress, Parkinson's disease - this is not a complete list of them.

Increased sweating at night is,as a rule, only a symptom of the disease. Therefore, in the first place, it is always necessary to establish the root cause of such a condition and cure it. Then the level of sweating will decrease by itself.

Read also the articles:

  • Why a person sweats
  • Why the child sweats
  • Why are you sweating in your sleep
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