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How to lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide?

Hydrogen peroxide is the most populara chemical fluid that many modern women use to lighten their hair. In this article we will consider the technique of lightening hair with hydrogen peroxide.

Preparation for clarification

Before you start to lighten your hair, you needthey must be prepared in advance for this procedure. For 2 weeks before clarification, it is desirable to refrain from dyeing hair, perm and heat treatment. Before the lightening procedure, the hair should have a healthy and beautiful appearance. Therefore, the use of therapeutic cosmetic products (shampoos, conditioners) will favorably affect the very process of lightening the hair.

If possible, do not use chemical gels, lacquers, iron, or a hairdryer. To strengthen hair before clarification it is possible with the help of special strengthening masks.

Find out more about how often you can expose curls to staining, you can in our article How often you can dye your hair.

Preliminary test

In order not to be mistaken with the color of the hair, you can holdsmall test. To do this, apply a little peroxide on the strand, which is on the lower occipital part of the head. The mixture should be held for thirty minutes and rinse with cold water. Look at the result and begin to lighten the rest of the hair.

What is needed to lighten hair?

To lighten hair with hydrogen peroxide, you will need:

  • 3% hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • an empty bottle of spray;
  • comb;
  • hair clips;
  • towel;
  • a hairdryer;
  • foil;
  • shampoo and balm for hair.

We brighten hair with hydrogen peroxide

  1. First of all, you need to wash and dry your hair, comb it well. Wear gloves on hands. Clothes should be changed to the old one.
  2. A clean container with a sprayer is filled with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and diluted in half with water.
  3. To lighten individual strands of hair, use a cotton swab. To do this, moisten it in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and wipe the strands with it.
  4. To lighten all the hair, separate them into separate pieces and gradually spray them with peroxide. Hair should be covered with peroxide throughout the length of the hair: from the root to the tips.
  5. To obtain the desired result, we leavesolution on the hair. For dark hair, the duration of lightening is about thirty minutes. Remember that the procedure should not exceed forty-five to sixty minutes. After thirty minutes, you can wash the mixture off a few strands and look at the result. If you like the color of your hair, you can wash off the peroxide; if not, then extend the procedure for another fifteen minutes.
  6. To speed up the clarification process, the hair can be wrapped in foil. Heat it with a hair dryer and assemble the hair into a bun.

The final stage

At the end of the time, the peroxide is rinsed off with cool water. To restore the natural shine and softness of hair, apply the conditioner to the hair and leave it for thirty minutes, then rinse.

However, if you are not sure you canindependently to cope with this procedure, it is better to contact a professional. Now beauty salons are provided with services for lightening and bleaching hair.

Precautionary measures

Do not forget that hydrogen peroxide isstrong oxidizer. It destroys natural as well as artificial hair pigment. As a result, hair can lose its natural color. With continuous exposure to hydrogen peroxide, hair follicles are destroyed and hair begins to fall out. Therefore, the use of this liquid can harm your hair.

Do not use too concentrated solutions of hydrogen peroxide to lighten hair. They not only adversely affect the structure of the hair, but even cause skin burns.

You can also see other articles on this topic:

  • How to withdraw black hair color | Mask with hydrogen peroxide
  • How to lighten hair | Clarification with hydrogen peroxide
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