If you are planning to become a chic blonde ormake the natural shade of hair a little lighter, then you are probably interested in the question of which paint is best to lighten the hair. When choosing a lightening hair dye, many things need to be considered.

Choose the paint

Notice the condition and the original colorhair. It is not recommended to lighten damaged hair. First they need to be restored with masks and special tools. Also it is necessary to take into account the natural shade of the head of hear. The darker the hair, the more coloring pigment should be in the paint, if you want to effectively lighten the hair. But when choosing a shade of paint, do not forget to also take into account the color of the skin and eyes. Together with the new color, your image should look harmonious.

Hydrogen peroxide is the most effective remedyfor lightening and discoloration of hair. But if it will be very much, then the hair can be seriously spoiled. The same goes for ammonia. Choose for your hair the quality paint of a well-known company. It is better, if it will contain useful vitamins and natural components with minimal or no ammonia content.

Lightening hair dye is found in the formpowder, cream, it also happens on an oil base. Oil and cream paints can enhance the clarifying property of hydrogen peroxide several times. Cream colors do not flow off the hair, so they are the best option for highlighting. Powder means can cause a burn of the scalp, so with this kind of paint you need to work very sharply.

Before lightening the hair, test thean allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of paint on your hand. If after 15 minutes. there will be no irritation, then you can proceed to staining.

Consider the features of hair

Black hair is extremely difficult to lighten. Many brunettes who want to become blondes, seriously spoil the hair when staining. Therefore, it is not recommended for brunettes to brighten the hair. In professional salons, women with dark hair color can offer a procedure that precedes staining - discoloration. So, the brunettes are first made discoloration, and then dye their hair in a light shade.

Redheaded beauties will approach lightening in a light orange color. This applies to the natural color of hair, and hair, painted with henna. Beware of buying a strong copper shade.

Gray hair is pre-treated with cream or oil for clarification.

Thin hair lightens the most easily. Than hair is thinner, the less you need a clarifying paint.

To lighten hair more effectively, the hair can be moistened.

If you recently made a perm, then with a hair color, wait at least a week.

Natural dyes

If you do not have a shade of hair and do not want to use chemical agents, refer to natural recipes. Here are a few:

  • Honey mask. It has many advantages - it makes the hair soft, silky, smooths the color, while it can brighten up to two tones. Apply the mask to clean, dry hair. Spread the hair with honey and leave for 8-10 hours. Then rinse with warm water.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of boiling water. chamomile, add 1 g of saffron. Let it all take half an hour. After - strain, add the juice of 1 lemon and 4 drops of lavender oil. Apply this paint for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Pour 100 grams of chamomile 300 g of boiling water, let it brew and carefully strain. To enhance, add 50 g of hydrogen peroxide (6%).
  • Pour 150 grams of chamomile with boiling water, leave for 2 hours, then strain. Add 60 g of glycerin. Apply the mask to your hair, wash it off after 40 minutes.
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