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How to make shellac?

Every year the beauty industry comes up withsomething new, than it is possible to entice potential buyers and to push them to acquisition of new cosmetic means. In the field of nail care, at first it was an acrylic manicure, then helium, and now shellac.

This year Shellac tried to make himself hardlywhether not every woman. Shellac (or Shellac) - a special nail covering on the basis of biogel, which combines the properties of lacquer and gel: it provides incredible resistance to the coating, while not compromising the brightness and color saturation. It is also believed that it helps strengthen the nail plate and hypoallergenic. Holds shellac on the nails for up to two weeks.

In various manicure salons, the price of such athe procedure starts from 700 rubles and more. Many believe that it is impossible to make such a manicure at home. However, it is not. In this article we will tell you how to make shellac at home, what equipment and materials you will need for this, and also dedicate in the subtleties of how to properly make shellac so that the result will please you.

Necessary materials

So, if you decided to start making shellac at home, at the initial stage you will need to purchase:

  • Ultra-violet or LED lamp(LED-lamp) for drying shellac - you can buy it in the store, but it will be cheaper to order it online. Prices for such lamps on the Internet start from 600 rubles.
  • Lacquer - it can also be ordered via the Internet orbuy in any specialized store. In connection with the increasing popularity of this procedure, many cosmetics stores have also started offering their customers a wide range of shellacs of various manufacturers and various shades. To start working with shellac, you will need at least 3 varnishes: base coat, colored varnish and top, top coating.
  • Alcohol. It will be required in order to get rid of the upper sticky coat of varnish. You can buy a special tool, which is called: "Means for degreasing nails and removing the sticky layer", but if you have the opportunity to take medical or technical alcohol from somewhere, you can save on it.

Application of shellac

Before making shellac, treat your nails as before the standard procedure for applying manicure, and then:

  1. Degrease the surface of the nail.
  2. Apply a thin layer of base coat andput the nails under the lamp. Please note that depending on the type of lamp you use and its power, the drying time varies. This information should be checked with the manufacturer.
  3. Apply a neatly colored coating with a thin layer. If it turns out sloppy - remove excess lacquer with a napkin.
  4. Dry the second layer under the lamp. Make sure that the lacquer does not swell after drying.
  5. Apply a second coat of varnish. It can be somewhat thicker. And again, dry it.
  6. Apply and dry the top coat.
  7. Remove the upper sticky layer with a special liquid or alcohol.

For more information, see How to paint your nails.

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