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How to assemble the hair into a bundle?

The beam is simple and at the same time veryan original hairstyle that is a win-win option for any style of clothing and situation. Beautifully having issued hair in a bun, it is possible not only to go to the gym, but also to a party or an official event, so many girls think about how to collect hair in a bun.

A bundle of "bagel"

The easiest way is to use a special"Bagel" for the hair. To create a volumetric beam, you need to make an ordinary tail, put a "donut" on it and wind hair on it. The tips need to be hidden inside. In order to hide all the errors, the hairdo can be decorated with a beautiful ribbon or hair band.

Side beam

If you are going to an event, you can collect the hair in a side beam. The procedure for creating a hairstyle is the same as when creating a conventional beam, only the tail is not behind, but on the side.

A bundle of spit

In order to create an original bundle of hair, you can use the following method:

  1. Make a tail on the back of the head.
  2. Embroider a three-dimensional braid and twirl the bundle from it, whipping the hair a little.
  3. Fix the hairstyle with invisible.

A bundle of two strands

Collect the hair in the tail and divide it into two parts. Then twist them between

A bundle of two strands
and fix the end with a rubber band. Twist the hair into a bundle, securing it with invisible objects.

If you want to make a slightly careless hairstyle, scratch your hair before twisting.

The original options for creating a beam from the hair can be found in the article How to beautifully make a bunch of hair.

If you do not know how to beautifully tie your hair, read about it in our articles How to tie your hair and How to collect hair beautifully.

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