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How to make a bunch?

The bunch is ideal for long hair and hairmiddle length. Creating this hairstyle does not require much effort, skill and any expensive tools for styling and appliances. And also it practically does not go out of fashion and has numerous variants of execution that allows the amateurs of this hairstyle to be always different and unique. But how to make a bun on the head, so that the hairdo turned out beautiful and stylish? For this we have prepared several options for you.

How to make a beam: an easy way

In the bundle, the hair gathers on the vertex or the back of the head,where they are twisted and then fixed with the help of studs, thus forming a knot. To give a hairstyle volume, usually use a variety of pads, for example, a chignon or foam rubber roller. The bundle can be loose or tight, neat or even "sleek" or deliberately careless, as well as high or low. To make a simple bundle the easiest: first comb the hair, assemble them from behind in a low or high ponytail, twist it in a tourniquet, twist it in a knot and fasten it with hairpins so that the hair is invisible. Instead of hairpins, you can use a long pinch-forceps. For a variety and decoration of a conventional beam, you can leave a pair of thin strands at the bottom of the beam. Then twist them into flagella and put them on top. The ends of the flagella roll into the rings and attach to the hair with invisible.

"Karakul" beam

Divide hair horizontally into 5 identicalsites. Now, at each site, collect the hair in a ponytail and twist it into a flagellum so that loops and patterns resemble scrawl. Next, get a very stylish bundle of flagella with the help of invisible and hairpins. Such a hairstyle will always look modern and very original! Well, now we turn to the third option, how to make a bundle of hair - it's called an "elegant" bunch.

Elegant beam

Divide the hair into three parts, and the occipital partmake more than the other two. Then divide the 2 front parts with a side cut. After that, fasten the front strands of hair with clips for convenience. Now carefully comb the main, that is, the occipital part of the hair, lift it on the top and tighten it with a rubber band, thus making a tail. Then twist the hair with a tourniquet (just not tight) and wrap it around the base of the tail several times. Do not forget to leave a small loop, where then pass the free tip of the tail. Now firmly tighten the knot and hide the ends of the strands there. Fix the bundle with studs and sprinkle with varnish. Next, remove the clips from the two side parts and comb them. Guide the left side strand over the beam, laying it over the ear, and secure it with an invisibility, leaving the ends of the hair free. Now do the same with the right side. Well, our elegant bun is ready!

Festive beam

Apply the product to the damp hair,so that they can be pulled out as needed during drying. After drying and straightening them with a brush and a hair dryer, gather the hair in a loose tail, and with your fingers in the front, loosen the hair tension slightly. Further, the tail is turned into a free bundle, fixing it with invisibility and hairpin, but not too tight. Then we take 2 rims. First put on the head, placing it 4-5 cm from the hair growth line, and the second place 5 cm from the first. Now it remains to sprinkle the finished hair with a varnish, having smoothed the strands, where necessary.

A bunch of wavy hair

Apply foam for styling on wet, justwashed hair. Now, with a round comb and hair dryer, dry and straighten the hair. Take the big forceps and wrap the hair around them - right behind the lock, but not too tight so that the rings do not turn out, we just need waves here. Next, collect the finished strands in a loose tail and tighten with an elastic band. Then, for the last time, pass the hair through the elastic and leave it free to hang in the form of a loop. Now wrap the loop around the gum and set it down. Fix hair with hairpins. That's all - a beautiful beam is ready! If something remains incomprehensible to you, a video will help you, a bunch of hair on which the hairdo master will do.

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