At the moment there are several types of baths. In Russia, the most popular Russian baths, but in the world Japanese and Turkish saunas are in demand, and Finnish baths are also popular.

Types of baths

Finnish sauna

The Finnish sauna will appeal to those who preferdry steam. Humidity in such a bath is small. In Finnish saunas there are often no steam rooms with heating with firewood, instead of them gas or liquid fuel is used.

Russian sauna

In Russian baths, air humidity is 40%. In ancient Russia, Russian steam rooms were primarily a place for ablutions and hygienic procedures. It was necessary to use birch brooms. It is the use of the steam room that has helped our ancestors to resist many diseases, including spreading the plague. And if the baths in Russia were widely spread in ancient times, then in Europe they appeared only after the church recognized the bath is not a sin, which happened only in the early 19th century.

Turkish bath

The Turkish bath is called "hamam". A distinctive feature of this bath is the maximum degree of humidity of air - 100%, while the temperature in the bath can be relatively low - 40º, maximum 60º. In Russian baths, the air temperature is usually at least 50º, and in Finnish - from 100º and above. Steam in the Turkish bath is served from the bottom, and the walls in the Turkish bath are faced with a stone.

Japanese bath

In the Japanese bath water is used, whichinsists on herbs. The bath is actually a barrel, and, upon completion of the bathing procedure in a barrel of herbs, you need to go to another one, which contains water, which is insisted on the oils. After that, wipe with a dry towel.

Roman Baths

Also you may be interested in the so-calledRoman baths. They consist of two rooms: tepidarium and laconica. The essence of these baths is to prepare a person for a strong temperature increase. In the first room - the air temperature is 45ºC, in such a room it is necessary to stay from 5 to 10 minutes, after which to move to a hotter room with an air temperature of up to 70º. Despite the high temperature, it is worth noting that people in the Roman bath usually feel well that do not tolerate the heat. This is due to the fact that the humidity in these baths is relatively low, and the air is supplied from special openings in the walls.

Baths in beauty salons

Now there are bathhouses in many beauty salons,but their principle of construction is more like a sauna. Certainly, such baths have their advantages. You can use various kinds of services, namely: massage, manicure, scrub and others. However, the usual Russian bath also offers a good range of services, for example, a dining table and a swimming pool.

Which bath should I choose

To say for sure which of the bathhouses will be better foryou, is quite difficult. On the one hand - it's a matter of taste, and on the other - you must take into account the individual characteristics of your body. If you do not know exactly what air temperature and humidity can tolerate, then start with a bath, the air temperature in which will be the least high. It is possible, you will go so-called dry air bath with an air temperature of 60º and humidity below 30%. Most likely, it will be a Finnish bath or maybe it's a Japanese bath ofuro.

Remember that at 70 ° C in a bathshould be more than 5 minutes, if the air temperature is about 100 ° C - no more than 3 minutes. In the future, you can stay in the bath longer, but not more than 10 minutes per one call. After the first steaming, it is not recommended to take water procedures in chilled water. Also, do not drink alcohol before the bath and, being in it.

We advise you to read the article What to take in a bath.

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