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How to draw a flower on nails?

Well-groomed hands are the calling card of anythe fair sex. Particular attention should be paid to the nails. The simplest thing is to cover them with varnish, but you can go more creative way - for example, draw flowers on them. Below we will consider several variants of floral patterns.

How to draw poppies on nails

The simplest flower in the performance is poppy, so you can start with it. To draw poppies on nails, you will need the following:

  • 4 shades of acrylic paint or varnish (red, white, green and black);
  • 2 brushes for neil design;
  • Light or transparent lacquer as a base.


  1. Apply a nail polish to the nails, wait until it dries completely.
  2. Dip the brush on one side into the red paint, and on the other - into the black.
  3. Attach the brush to the nail and draw 2 petals. Their shape must be slightly distorted. Then draw 2 more similar petals and lighten them a little, dipping the tip of the brush into white paint.
  4. Draw the core by filling the middle of the greenpaint and put small dots that will serve as stamens. If you have a place on the nail, you can draw a leaflet. That's all, poppy is ready. Similarly draw the flowers on the rest of the nails.

Want to do an unusual manicure? This will help our article - What to draw on the nails.

How to draw a rose on nails

Rose is often used in neil design. Draw it on the nails is simple enough, you need only a little knack. To draw a rose on the nails, you need the following:

  • 3 shades of varnish (red, white and green);
  • 1 brush for neil design;
  • 1 toothpick;
  • 1 lacquer as a base (transparent or beige).


  1. First, cover the nails with base lacquer, wait until it completely dries.
  2. Set the base of the flower next to 2 red dots, and between them 2 white.
    flower on nails
    They must touch each other, forming a square.
  3. Mix the dots together, forming a rose. If there is room left on the nail, draw another 1 or 2 flowers along the same principle.
  4. With green lacquer paint the leaves. They need to be located near each bud. Enough is enough for 2-3 pieces.

As you can see, it's not very difficult to draw a flower on nails. Practice, and you will certainly succeed.

More tips on drawing on nails can be found in our article - How to learn to draw flowers.

Also, you probably will be interested to see our article - How to learn to draw on nails.

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