The most common virus of the papilloma is present in the blooda person is asymptomatic, since immunity is strong enough and does not allow its excessive activation. That's why you can talk about it after the patient has problems with immunity.

Signs of papilloma

When the papilloma virus accumulates in largeamounts on the skin or mucosa, it changes the function of the epithelial cells, which begin to divide and, as a result, tumors appear that are signs of the papilloma virus. To diagnose this disease you need to know what the papilloma looks like. And depending on the type of virus, the symptoms of HPV can be expressed in warts, genital warts or papillomas.

How the papilloma looks

So, warts with papilloma are dense to the touch,A small size, which usually does not exceed 2-10 mm in diameter. It should be noted that these are benign formations having a round or irregular shape, an uneven surface, clear boundaries. Their color can be from yellow to grayish black. Typically, such warts appear: on the elbows, fingers, knees and other traumatic parts of the body.

How the papilloma looks

Papilloma is a sign of papilloma virusother types. Symptoms are quite bright. Papilloma is a soft, rounded shape of various sizes. Most often, papillomas are attached to a wide base or on a pedicle. The color is close to the color of the skin, but it can range from bodily to brown. Often they appear on the neck, underarms, face and in the genital area. The main sign of papilloma is that they grow rapidly, capturing new areas, and their size and quantity increases.

Signs of condyloma

In addition, a person can be observedgenital warts, which is also a sign of the papilloma virus in the blood. Condyloma is a soft moist formation on a thin pink leg, the surface of it is uneven, like a wart. Most often they affect the area of ​​the anus and genital organs. Condylomata are characterized by rapid growth, sometimes it can grow in just a few hours. Of course, one should not panic when a new wart appears, but it's worth it to go to the doctor. If you doubt, about this or that tumor, and do not know what the papillomas look like, they can be viewed on the Internet, they are often posted on medical websites. There you can also get acquainted with the treatment of this virus. As a rule, to get rid of the papilloma virus, first remove its manifestations, and then carry out treatment, which is mainly aimed at strengthening immunity.

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