Viral infectious disease - papilloma(or papillomovirus infection) is becoming more common nowadays. This is due to the same stresses, poor nutrition and weakened immunity. Add to this the fact of neglecting the rules of personal hygiene and a large number of contacts with people (which can be carriers of the virus) - and that's the whole picture of favorable conditions for the development of the virus is ready.

Papilloma of the skin is a benign tumor ofskin epithelium. It is a small 1-2 cm in diameter, dense or soft to the touch formation on the leg (thin long or short, rarely on a wide base). The surface of the papilloma is uneven, granular, in appearance may resemble cauliflower or a cock's comb. It does not have a certain color, and the color can vary from white to dirty brown. Manifestations of papillomas can occur at any age of the person and on any parts of the body. We, first of all, usually pay attention to papillomas in the most prominent places: on the face, hands and neck.

Often, having discovered the formation on the body, a person begins to solve the problem independently at home. Here are some ways how to get rid of papillomas folk remedies.

Folk remedies are suitable for combatingsmall growths. The most common remedy is the juice of celandine or dandelion, which is lubricated by the papilloma until it disappears completely. When lubricating the juice celandine, be careful - it may cause skin burns.

A good help is castor oil and vitamin A - they also need to lubricate the areas of the damaged body.

You can also use cabbage juice: a small piece of soft tissue or gauze should be moistened in juice, attach it to the affected area of ​​the body and bandage (preferably at night).

Also with its antiviral and anti-infective properties, garlic is well known: cut a clove of garlic in half and wipe them with papillomas.

How to get rid of papillomas? The answer to this question is offered by modern medicine. To date, there are several methods of removing papillomas, the most common of which is electrocoagulation. This is a procedure in which the papilloma is removed by an electric current of high frequency. Under its influence, the temperature in the tissues rises, resulting in destruction of the papilloma. Despite its effectiveness, electrocoagulation has disadvantages: the procedure is rather painful, and the wound itself heals for a long time.

It is also quite popular now cryodestruction (removal by liquid nitrogen) - a procedure in which the papilloma tissue is exposed to low temperatures, which leads to its destruction.

The most "positive" according to reviews isremoval of papillomas by laser. The procedure is that the surgical laser, penetrating the formation, seals the blood vessel that feeds the papilloma, so that after 6-8 days it dries up and disappears. The procedure is painless, does not lead to complications, neighboring areas are not damaged, and most importantly, there are no traces or scars on the body. Therefore, if you are faced with the question "how to get rid of the papilla on the neck or face," the best way, of course, is a laser.

As we see, get rid of papillomas if desiredyou can both with the help of a cosmetologist, and at home. But all the same, if you suddenly had an unexpected appearance on your body, do not rush to resort to folk remedies or to cosmetic procedures. First of all, you need to contact a specialist. First, you need to make sure that this is really a benign tumor (and for this you need to undergo several examinations). After all, today it is proved that under the guise of the virus of the papilloma, an oncological disease can disappear - intra-epidermal cancer. And secondly, since your immune system, after engaging in a fight with the virus, loses the fight, it speaks, at least, about the general weakness of your body. And this is completely different methods of treatment and appointment.

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