Many girls experiment with the color of theirhair, but sometimes it does not turn out to face. But this problem can be corrected by washing off the tonic from the hair. Moreover, you can do this, both with the help of masks, and professional hair washing.


To wash off tonic from the painted hair the followingmask. Moreover, it not only removes unwanted color, but also has a therapeutic effect. It is necessary to take 2 tablespoons. burdock oil and a little warm them in a water bath. There should also squeeze a few drops of lemon juice and mix everything thoroughly. Then the prepared oil mixture should be applied to the hair and evenly distributed throughout the length. Then it is necessary to twist the hair into a bun and put on a polyethylene hat, and on top a warm terry towel. This mask should be kept for at least 2-3 hours. But if you have dry hair, then one hour is enough. After this time, wash the mask with warm water and shampoo. If necessary, repeat this procedure every other day. Also for washing the tonic, kefir mask is suitable. It is necessary to heat kefir to 40 degrees and apply it to the hair and rub it into the scalp. The mask should be kept for several hours, after which it is washed off with shampoo.

Professional remover

If you do not know how to wash the tonic off the hair andThe mask did not help you, then you should get a professional remedy for washing the hair off the hair. But it is worth knowing that it is not so safe for the hair, as a result of which it is not recommended to use it at home. It is better to turn to a beauty salon to a highly qualified specialist so that this procedure is as safe as possible. In addition, the simplest and safest way to get rid of tonic is to wash your head several times a day. Only after each washing of the head is it recommended to use a mask or balm. So you can still, and heal your hair, and they will be shiny and silky.

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