Warts occur in every tenth inhabitantplanet. In childhood we knew perfectly well what the warts are from. Of course, from frogs! Whoever takes a frog in his hands will be covered with warts. This legend was replaced with age by others. And only when we start to suffer from them ourselves, we go to the doctor and find out the truth about why warts appear. Medicine knows for sure that warts are a disease caused by the human papillomavirus. It penetrates the body and causes the growth of the skin in the form of growths.

Warts are mentioned even in the ancient Roman medical treatises. Therefore, people have learned how to deal effectively with them. Read more about this in the article "How to get rid of warts?".

Causes of the appearance of warts

And we will consider several factors, from whichwarts appear on the body. The papilloma virus enters our skin from the environment from another person infected with it. You can not even pay attention to contact with a sick carrier. It can even be a simple strong handshake. And if you are in contact in a humid environment, the probability of infection increases many times. The incubation period is from 1 to 6 months, at which time you can observe how warts begin to grow in small scratches, abrasions, in places of mosquito bites. For the formation of these growths, one more condition is necessary: ​​weakened immunity. Therefore, very often warts occur in children and adolescents and in places of inflamed skin in adults.

The presence of a wart can only be determined by a doctor. These rough nodules often masquerade as corns, condylomas. And the treatment will appoint only a doctor.

Warts are of several kinds. Ordinary grow on the hands, face and scalp. We all know them by sight. On the inner side of the foot there are plantar warts. They are very similar to corns, and they are always a few pieces close. Occur with strong pressure of shoes on the foot, repeated rubbing. On the face and hands may appear flat warts. They are typical for schoolchildren, so they are also called "youthful". Pointed kandilomy - also warts, but they are treated by gynecologists and venereologists.

There are occupations in which people repeat alone andthe same actions, why warts also appear. For example, in butchers or cattle fighters they grow on the wrists and on the joints. The reason for the appearance is the attack of tubercle bacilli. Warts can develop into a malignant tumor if left untreated. In the risk zone are people working with resins, oil products, X-rays.

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