Alas, not only do they face this problemadolescents, but also adults. Many people do not pay attention to their sudden blush. But there are also such people, for whom such reddening becomes the most real torture. They try to control their emotions, they are afraid of the redness of their face. In these cases, talk about erythrophobia - the fear of redness, a condition that requires the help of a psychologist, and sometimes treatment.

Let's try to understand whythe person blushes. The redness of the human skin is associated with a sharp expansion of the subcutaneous blood vessels. This expansion can be caused by overheating (exposure to the sun, sauna, etc.) or the activity of the nervous system. At loads, when the blood supply is required, the nervous system transmits the "order" from the brain to the vessels to expand and pass through a larger volume of blood. But scientists today can not explain why in some people the nervous system "orders" suddenly to widen the blood vessels of the face without any apparent causes.

Why a person blushes: the reasons

The reasons for sudden redness may be several. Most often, sudden redness occurs in the following situations, when people:

  • They lie (or do not speak the whole truth).
  • Not ready for the situation. It, the situation, for them is unexpected.
  • They hide their feelings (like falling in love and sympathy, and rejection and hatred).
  • Can not control their feelings and emotions. Some know that there is no reason for the emotion, but still can not suppress internal changes. As a result, the face and skin acquire a purple hue. What psychological characteristics of a person affect the redness of the skin? The following causes (and all of them are interrelated) can cause sudden redness:
  1. Natural shyness. Shyness can be expressed in awkward silence in conversation, in insecure actions, modest (excessively) behavior. If you are shy in any situation, you feel uncomfortable, because, for example, you are given too much attention, then you should not be upset - such as you, a huge amount.
  2. Robot and indecisiveness. Subconsciously, you understand that you need to act, but you lack courage or self-confidence and in your abilities. In this case, your skin tells you that you need to do something.
  3. Fear of ridicule and disapproval. One would think that just fearing ridicule is the cause of shyness, but sometimes even self-confident people experience difficulties in communicating with others when they fear disapproval or ridicule on their part.

Now you know why a man blushes. What can help a person in such awkward situations? Try to use auto-suggestion. If we talk about shyness and indecision, then it should be noted that this is a long and complex process. "You can not persuade yourself" and you can be self-confident. Moreover, the result will surpass all expectations!

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