For hair care we use a variety ofShampoos, balms and masks, which in a large range are presented in cosmetic shops. But you can use and folk remedies, for example, baking soda. Let's take a closer look at how to wash your head with soda.

Soda - a real alkali, which allows you to dissolve the formed sebum on the head. This product does not contain additional ingredients, which are very much in ordinary shampoos.

Soda shampoo

The recipe for making "shampoo" from soda is prettyis simple. One tablespoon of baking soda is dissolved in one glass of water. With a prepared solution, moisten dirty hair and, massaging the scalp, rub the solution from the soda into the roots of the hair. After that, thoroughly rinse hair with water and rinse with diluted apple cider vinegar.

Advantages of using soda as an alternative method of washing the head can be identified as follows:

  1. natural, non-toxic way of hair care;
  2. soda - gently cleanses the hair of dirt;
  3. there are no additives: emulsifiers, stabilizers, preservatives;
  4. hair become more lively and obedient, fade 2 times slower than when using shampoo and conditioner;
  5. significant savings in the family budget.

Take a look at a few tips:

  • Hair needs time to get used to soda. The transition period can last from two weeks to one month.
  • If, after the end of the transition period, the hair is still greasy, reduce the dosage of vinegar or replace it with lemon juice.
  • Overdosing of soda is harmful to your hair. If you notice that your hair looks worse, try reducing the amount of soda to 2 teaspoons per glass of water.
  • Try to use as little as possible additional hair care products.

Note that washing your head with soda impliesuse of an additional air conditioner. In this case, you can use a rinse, made from apple cider vinegar. A glass of water will need 1 tablespoon of vinegar, so it will last long. This air conditioner can be prepared in advance.

Despite the fact that the positive aspects of using baking soda are described above, do not forget about the shortcomings:

  1. may develop irritation after prolonged use;
  2. individual intolerance to soda;
  3. In case of contact with eyes, it may cause a burn;
  4. allergy to soda components.

In case the use of a soda solution did not bring you the desired effect, you can use other means for washing your head. More information about them can be found in this article.

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