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How to flash a computer?

BIOS is an important component of any computer. This is a program written in the chip ROM. It contains information about all the settings of your computer, if necessary, you can make changes to it.

Do you need to flash BIOS yourself? It is impossible to answer unequivocally. On the one hand, many manufacturers themselves recommend this immediately after the purchase of the computer: this measure will help to avoid errors in the device and expand its functionality. However, flashing BIOS itself can lead to errors that will disrupt the computer. And sometimes the motherboard fails after an unsuccessful update - it will be necessary to contact the service center, where they can refuse to provide free repair under warranty, having revealed an updated version of BIOS.

Perhaps it's worth to contact an advanced friendor to the service, so that you can correctly update the software. Having decided to act independently, study this question as deeply as possible, so that there will not be unpleasant consequences.

When should I flash the BIOS of the computer?

To stitch the computer is in a number of cases. First of all, the correct firmware of the program will increase the overall performance of the computer. This is never superfluous, especially if you constantly use it in your work.

Update is necessary if there are notableproblems - for example, the computer starts to "brake", the speed of work falls or sound disappears. Then, perhaps it is worth to flash BIOS. Another problem may arise. Suppose you bought a new hardware - processor or hard drive. But the motherboard does not support it - the computer just does not "see" the device.

In this case, you can rebuild BIOS on an improved version - then the board will be able to recognize the processor, hard drive or other equipment. And do not have to buy a new motherboard.

Where to find the firmware?

The simplest thing is to go to the manufacturer's websitemotherboard and download the latest version of the program. You need to know and version of BIOS, which is installed on the computer. To do this, restart the computer, and when loading the data, the BIOS version number is displayed among others. To be able to record it, press the Pause Break key: it will stop the download.

You can also find out the version number by goingdirectly into the BIOS. Do this by repeatedly pressing the so-called "hot" keys when the computer is turned on. Usually this is F2 or Del. For more information, see How to access the BIOS.

Use the search engine and find by the version number of the desired manufacturer. Go to the official website and download the latest BIOS.

Re-Flash BIOS: step by step

The update itself can be done in several ways. Consider the most common of them - via DOS mode.

In some cases this is available throughA special utility, but not every motherboard manufacturer provides this function. It is not recommended to rebuild in Windows, because the OS can hang while the file is being downloaded - then it will not work, and it will only help to contact the service center or purchase a new card.

  1. Download the firmware - for example, AmiFlash, and the program for formatting the USB flash drive - HP USB Tool. The program will format the USB flash drive by making it bootable.
  2. Also, download the MS-DOS image, when you start the HP USB Tool, specify the path to it on your computer.
  3. Reset the file with the firmware to the root of the flash drive, renaming it to flash.bin. Then transfer the flasher, writing as amiflash.exe.
  4. Now it remains to write a text document. You create it in your flash drive. Call it amiflash.bat - this file will help start the flashing process. The file contains the following data: amiflash flash.bin / b / d / e / g. Such startup parameters work in most cases.
  5. The main work is completed. Now restart the computer, open the BIOS, and there is a Boot tab in it. There, specify your bootable media first to boot. In the console, issue amiflash.bat.
  6. During the BIOS update process, do not overload or shut down your computer, otherwise simply lose the board.
  7. After the firmware has been completed, you can do a restart.

That's how you can independently, without spending a penny, flash the computer. But be prepared for failure, because the firmware is still a serious and risky business.

We also recommend reading articles: How to flash BIOS asus and How to flash a motherboard.

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