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How to turn on the disk in BIOS?

If you do not have a new one defined on your computerdisk or stopped to be determined old, there are several ways how to turn on the hard disk in BIOS or turn on the disk controller. Today we will tell you how.

How to enable a disk in BIOS

First you need to enter Bios. To do this, you need to press a certain key while the computer is loading, in most cases it is the "del" button, but there may be another key or a combination of them.

Immediately after the computer is turned on, the message "Press DEL to enter SETUP" or the like appears at the bottom of the screen, and at this point you need to press the desired key.

In the window that opens, you need to find the tab"MAIN" or "Standart CMOS Features", which displays a list of connected optical and hard media and make sure that the disc is not detected. That is, it does not exist in the list of connected devices or if it is the only disk, in all the paragraphs it says "none".

  • If the SATA drive, you can check whethersata interface controller. In the "SATA configuration" tab, the "controller" should be selected in the controller line, if not, you must select it. After that it is necessary to go to the previous tab and if the device still does not exist, select the necessary sata connector and select auto, after which the device should be determined.
  • In the event that disconnecting the diskpreceded by someone's intervention in setting up the bios, i.e. it has been disabled (how to do this read here: How to disable the hard disk), you can return the BIOS default settings by selecting "Load Defaults BIOS", or similar depending on the BIOS version, for example: "Load Safe-Fail Defaults" and .P.
  • If this is a new disk and it is defined in the BIOS, butis not defined in the operating system, it may not be marked up or has a file system not supported by your OS, then it must be formatted. How to correctly do this read in this article - How to format a hard disk through the BIOS, be careful, formatting will destroy all data on the hard disk.

If the above did not help you, especially if you have old hardware and connected several hard drives, the problem is most likely not in the BIOS. Try to do so:

  1. Turn off the computer and check the positionjumper on the hard disk, if it is the second hard drive, it should be in the "slave" position, if the first "master". Information on the position of the jumpers is usually found on the cover of the device.
  2. If you have an old ide disk and you do not even find it in the "slave" position, you can try removing the jumper.

All actions must be performed when the computer is switched off, unplugged. After each change, naturally, it is necessary to go into the BIOS and check the presence of the device.

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