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How to connect a domain?

In order to put your site on the Internet,you need to get a domain name and hosting. There are many companies that provide both services, and sometimes even give the domain as a gift.

However, if you chose to register a domain with an official registrar, you might have a question how to connect the domain to the hosting.

Domain Connection

In order to connect the domain to the hosting, you need to do two simple things:

First, to inform the domain registrar of the data of our hoster, namely the names and addresses of his DNS servers. The names and menu items may differ for different registrars, but the principle is preserved:

  1. We go to your personal office.
  2. Go to the Domains section.
  3. We find the item "Delegation".
  4. In the window that opens, we enter the DNS server names,specified by your host. Usually this information is sent to the e-mail when registering or is contained in the technical documentation. You can simply contact technical support.

Secondly, we connect the domain on the hosting, the names can also be slightly different:

  1. We go to the "Control Panel site" on the hosting.
  2. Go to the "Domains" section.
  3. Select the addition of an existing domain.
  4. We enter the domain name and make additional settings according to the instructions.
  5. Finish the process of adding.

Now the process of connecting the domain to the hostingcompleted. It remains to wait until the changes take effect, it can take about a day. In order not to lose time, you can put the site on hosting or start creating a new one.

If you have not registered a domain yet, the following articles may be useful to you:

  • How to create a domain
  • How to make a domain
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