Many users of social networks facea question, how to name a group in Classmates? Below are some tips to help you decide which name is better for your group in Odnoklassniki. Better if the name of your group will be closely related to its theme


  • The name of the group "Cheap Chinese phones with delivery", therefore, the group can not have records of diets, sports, animals, etc.
  • The name should be short. For example: The name "Cheap Chinese phones with delivery" is a long one. For this group, the name "Phones from China" is better. Brief and concise.
  • First you need to evaluate competitors. If in the top of your query at 1 place is a group with more than 100k subscribers, then you have to spend time promoting the group.
  • The name of the group should have an attractivename. The name of the group "Chinese phones" sounds more attractive than the name "Telephones from China". When you promote a group, use white methods of promotion, otherwise the group can be blocked. The name of the group must be memorable!
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