When you visit your VKontakte page,you are constantly being asked for a password. To have the page open without a permanent confirmation, you need to save the password in the browser settings. So you can go to your profile without wasting time on entering your password again. But how can I save the password in a contact if you use multiple browsers? For each browser there is a separate method.


To save the page password in this browserYou must confirm the change or save request. If you did not do it or refused initially, it's not scary. Go to the "Tools". There is a section "Settings", open it. In the appeared window on the top panel find the section "Protection", open. You will see "Exclude", open and delete what is needed, namely "VKontakte". When you log in, the browser asks if you want to save the password. Answer "Yes".


How to remember the password in the contact, if youdo you use this browser? You need to go to the menu item. There, select the "Settings" section, open it. You will see the sub-item "Forms", it needs to be opened, then activate "Password management". When you log in to the site, confirm that you saved the password.

Internet Explorer

For Explorer to remember the password from the page"VKontakte", you must first delete all passwords in general. Then he asks if you want to save the password or not, you will agree. To delete all passwords, you need to go to "Tools", open it. There will be the item "Internet Options", select "General". Delete the history, all the data, save the password to "VKontakte".


In this browser you need to go to the "Settings" menu. A window opens, in which there is a special section "Passwords". Go there, you can see how to delete and how to save passwords. It's simple.

Google Chrome

In this browser, save the password for the socialnetworks can be accessed in the "Options". There will be a point "Personal materials", open it. There, in the window you can see "Passwords" at the bottom of the window. Clear the ban, and save the password.

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