Recently, the question of "invisible" on the site"" explodes the brain to users of Runet and forces them to look for workarounds of the regime. On the forums, homegrown hackers say that they have an answer to the question of how to learn about invisibility in Odnoklassniki. However, young and enterprising computer scientists are not in a hurry to respond immediately. They ask for one hundred foreign currencies and swearly swear that as soon as the money passes to their account, all your "invisible" will be uncovered and "burned" in a fire of justice.

No information on whether hackers can hacksite and bypass the system. In other words, it is not known whether they recognize the invisible. But, judging by the absence of comments on the forums, none of the sensible people make deals with hackers.

Classmates: the truth about the mystery of the invisible

The answer to the question, is it possible to recognize the invisible onClassmates, it is simple enough and laconic. No you can not. In several forums, very logical arguments were given about why this is not possible.

The fact is that the "invisible" mode on the site"" is a paid service. And there is this pleasure, realizing the low social needs and fears of some users of "Classmates", it is not cheap - 141 rubles, and even some kopecks a month. Due to the considerable price of the service, the protection level is increased hundreds of times, as the site administration GUARANTE full confidentiality to users of the "Invisible" mode. "Bravo!" - I want to tell the developers of the site - a great way to make money on the psychology of modern man, but rather tell the consumer.

Invisible in Classmates: The Old Story

However, this was not always the case. At one time, namely in 2009, there was a way of overcoming the system and opening the "Invisible" mode. We will describe it, but you can try, but it's unlikely that something will turn out ... All the same, 141 rubles ...

The whole answer was covered in the content of the HTML code. Usually the original text of the page was opened. The invisibility mode was revealed by finding in the code markup with the invisible card. After that, the following link was extracted from the code:

In the link provided, the parameter"friendId = 240403394919" this is the invisible man. To get the page of our schemer, we simply open the site, then any page of the person's profile and substitute in the link line, the received Id. Yeah ... Here he is, our mysterious stranger who studied in the parallel class until the ninth, then went to the locksmith and was like that. Well hello, friend.

The above described method how to learn the invisibility inClassmates, faded into the past. It remains to praise the administration of the site "" for providing really high-quality services to eliminate the tranquility of their own favorite users.

"A man has spoiled his stomach and complains about dinner, and so are people dissatisfied with life." Leo Tolstoy (Circle of Reading)

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