Current economic situation in the countryleaves much to be desired. Many people are unemployed, some work in low-paid jobs without official registration. At the same time, there is a tendency for a constant rise in prices for various consumer goods, utilities and simply for personal needs. In view of the current situation and the constant shortage of funds, people have no choice but to borrow money. About where you can quickly borrow money, you can find out in the article "Where to get fast money?".

The terrible word "duty"

Debt, as they say, is paid in red and, no matter howcool, but the time will come when the borrowed money will have to be given away. To pay off debts, many get into new debts, and not always on the same terms as the previous debt. Usually the conditions for borrowing money are getting worse and people have to put up with it, since the flywheel of financial dependence is already running.

Having big debts, people start to deny themselvesin many things that once could afford. For example, the repayment of debts forms new debts for utilities, for which payments are usually delayed in a long box and, as a consequence, disconnection from communications. Who would like to sit in an apartment that is not electrified? In order to pay debts and connect communications again, people are again borrowing, and so can last indefinitely. Why does this happen? After all, very often the family gets bogged down in debt, provided that all members of the family have a job. People simply do not know how to properly borrow and how to rationally use the money received. Hence all the problems with debt, when the amount of debt taken together with the interest exceeds the family income and is spent on minor things.

Moderate debt

To never get into a debt hole,it is necessary to learn how to use the available money rationally. And if there is a need for additional money, the amount of debt must be calculated on the basis of the family income and the period for which it is necessary to return the entire amount of debt. It is not recommended to borrow more than half of the income part of the family budget for the period of using other people's money. For example, the family's monthly income is 20,000, therefore, in three months the amount will be 60,000, which means that you can borrow 30,000 for a period of three months. Within three months, 50% of the income will go to repay the debt, and 50% - for the needs of the family. Repaying the debt in this way, you can somehow stretch out and stay for nothing. This applies to any borrowers.

Of course, if money is borrowed from acquaintances orrelatives, they can always agree on a delay, but this can not last forever and the debt will have to be repaid sooner or later. Before you borrow a certain amount in a bank, you need to think carefully. The bank is not relatives and acquaintances, and it will be difficult to agree on a delay, and overdue payments are fraught with an increase in debt due to interest and penalties against the debtor.

Regardless of the way in which money isbanking structures of the terms of such loans are almost always the same. If you do not repay the loan, the amount of debt will increase. The same goes for "credit card": if you do not replenish the credit card balance, the amount of debt on it will increase monthly.

Affordable consumer lending

Unfortunately, at the moment consumerbank loans are widely available to the public, and credit cards are issued to almost everyone and even to people who do not have a job. Therefore, the temptation to get into debt is very high, and people who do not know the measures, use this opportunity, bogging down in debt.

Banking structures can not be blamed for this, sohow they provide quite legitimate services to the public. In most cases, people who have big debts are themselves to blame for this. After all, not all those using their credit limits really needed extra money. Many borrow money for the purchase of things, without which, in principle, you can do without, and they drive themselves into debtors. Therefore, before borrowing, think about the consequences and about your capabilities. Also, do not discount the possible illness or loss of work, then you will lose permanent income and can not repay the debt. Calculate the amount of debt reasonably and try to borrow only for really important purchases.

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