The ability to recognize counterfeit bills is notonly a useful skill, but also ensuring personal safety. In Russia, the most frequent object of attention of counterfeiters are denominations of 500 rubles, 1000 rubles., 5000 rubles. Therefore, we will consider the signs by which you can understand with an unaided eye how to distinguish counterfeit money from real ones.

500 rubles

  • Microperforation with the number 500. It is always made smooth and with an equal distance between the points, is under the inscription "The ticket of the Bank of Russia" and is located parallel to the monument to Peter 1 on the front side of the bill.
  • Emblem of the Bank of Russia. It is to the left of the monument to Peter 1 in the upper corner. It is a coin depicting the emblem of Russia and the inscription "Bank of Russia". When you tilt it, the color changes from brown-burgundy to green with a golden gleam.
  • The monotonous field to the left of Peter, when tilted, is displayed oblique.

1000 rubles

  • The coat of arms of Yaroslavl, when tilted, changes color from violet to green. It is located under the inscription "The ticket of the Bank of Russia".
  • As well as on a bill of 500 rubles, microperforation is smooth, neatly executed.
  • The monotonous field to the left of the monument to Yaroslav the Wise, as in the previous case, when inclined, contains oblique colored strips.

5000 rubles

  • Emblem of the Bank of Russia. It is covered with a special varnish, due to which you can observe green flicker when tilting. It is located on the front in the upper left corner: a hexagon with protrusions on the sides and a coat of arms of Russia inside. The coat of arms shows the name of the bank.
  • Requirements for microperforation and rainbow bands are the same as in previous cases.
  • On the front side of the bill, the far bank of the river is depicted. Amur. With the increase there you can see the bear, tiger, fish, abbreviation of the CBRF.

The presented distinctive features make it clear how to distinguish real money from fake ones, without using special equipment. These elements are the most difficult for forgery.

Illustrations with selected areas can be viewed on the following links:

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