In our time with you, banking technology is alreadyhave reached a level of development that can allow the transfer of money from other countries to Russia without the occurrence of special problems. The terms in which such transfers are made may range from 15 minutes to a couple of days.

What do you need to transfer money?

If you are thinking about how to translatemoney to Russia, through payment systems, then there is especially nothing to think about. After all, for this you need to have only a pen, passport, name and surname of the recipient, his address, and, directly, the money itself, which you are going to translate.

The situation is a bit more complicated in the case ofbank transfers. Here you will need: the details of the beneficiary's account, the current account in the same currency as the beneficiary's account, and the balance on this settlement account, sufficient to cover the transfer amount and the bank commission.

Translation systems

If you do not have your bank account, orYou do not want to use it in a specific situation, you can choose a translation system. Such systems differ in the speed of translation, tariffs, and the geography of their presence. Regarding the last point, some systems provide the possibility to receive a transfer at any points of issue in the territory of the whole of our state, while others allow only at the specified point.

For example, in the CIS, the choice of systems thatare also represented in Russia is quite wide, but when it comes to distant foreign countries, it significantly narrows. The most famous of all international systems is "Western Union". At the same time, it does not have the most profitable tariffs within the CIS.

Money Transfer Process

So, how to transfer money to Russia? After selecting a system of transfers or a specific bank, you need to go to work hours to the nearest point, with money and a passport. In any case, you will need to fill out some documents. You will receive the money, but in return you will receive a receipt (in the bank), or a control number, which should be notified to the recipient in any available way. You can even send a message to yourself. As a rule, he expects his buyer about a month.

In order to transfer money to Russia fromaccount in the bank, you should make sure that your bank account is fixed, directly, in the same currency as the corresponding account of your potential recipient. Almost each of the existing domestic banks opens accounts to customers in euros, dollars and rubles. Some banks carry out operations with other currencies, but so far there are not so many of them as someone would like.

Some of the foreign banks have correspondent accounts in Russia. Usually they are created with the participation of some Russian credit institution.

The main thing for a bank transfer is the account number. All the rest can be copied from the official site of a specific beneficiary's bank. If there is Internet banking in the availability of services, you can send money using it. If you want to personally do everything, then go to the nearest bank branch with a passport and hand in the payment details to its operators.

Russian users also have a goodthe opportunity to receive money using the system "MoneyBookers". To use it is not so difficult. You will need only your account in the system, as well as the recipient's email address, according to which his account is registered in the same system.

As you can see, in practice, everything is not so difficult. As far as preferences and statistics are concerned, most of the translations in our time are still carried out by proven banking methods, although in recent years there has been a trend towards the transfer of money into a virtual form.

Let's hope that now you understand how to transfer money to Russia.

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