If you have lost a Savings Bank card, thenIt is worth immediately blocking it. After all, losing a card may not be a loss at all, but a deliberate theft in order to devastate your honestly earned funds. For a competent solution to the problem, you have several options. How to block the card of Sberbank without wasting time? Here is a brief guide:

  • Contact any branch of Sberbank in yourthe village. Just keep in mind that you will have to fill out a written statement of loss, so take your ID with you. Of course, it is better to take your passport with you.
  • Call 544-45-44 and follow the operator's advice. Just, again, prepare for the fact that the written application will still have to be written no later than the next day.
  • And finally, the simplest solution, whichwill save you from paper red tape: use the online service Sberbank-online, selecting the appropriate item on the main page of the site www.sbrf.ru. Read the instructions carefully. In this case, it is not difficult to do everything you need right. Also, the Mobile Bank service, the address of the page, can significantly help.
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