Buckwheat - one of the most stable products of the majoritydiets. And all because, in addition to its low caloric content, it is able to please you with excellent taste qualities, aroma and ability to satisfy hunger well.

Calorie and benefit of buckwheat

Just note that one of the virtues of buckwheatis that it does not contain fast carbohydrates, which allows this group to have a low glycemic index (the figure is 40 units). This is good and simple in terms of blood sugar (which is extremely important for diabetics) and in terms of maintaining a beautiful figure, as the blood sugar level increases, insulin is produced, which will promote the accumulation of eaten carbohydrates in the fat layer, increasing it .

How many calories are cooked in buckwheat? Buckwheat contains 110 kcal per 100 g of product. The indicator is modest, and therefore for anyone who sits on a diet, buckwheat will become a real life buoy.

Buckwheat is a valuable source of goodassimilated by the body of proteins, which will be highly appreciated by athletes. And the amino acid composition of proteins in it is one of the most harmonious, healthy, useful among all plant products.

As for vitamins and other useful substances,they are represented by calcium, iron (buckwheat - one of the leaders in the content of this trace element), vitamins B2 and B1, PP. The list, as you see, is not too wide, and therefore making this cereal a key element of nutrition is not recommended - your body in this case simply will not receive the full range of substances necessary for its health. As a result, there will be avitaminosis, followed by other diseases.

You can also benefit from the article How to cook buckwheat.

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